China’s COVID beard says what now? Welp, better luck next time. The only stupider place to visit than a country that’s threatening Israel, is one that’s actively shooting Iranian ballistic missiles at it.
China’s COVID beard says what now? Welp, better luck next time. The only stupider place to visit than a country that’s threatening Israel, is one that’s actively shooting Iranian ballistic missiles at it.
couple hours? oftentimes a torrent with zero seeders is as good as dead, and a seeder might show up in days or weeks, most times never. best to find another torrent. also, and this is just a personal preference it’s worth the download time to kick it up a notch to 1080.
I find it hilarious, that anyone in their right mind (commenters in this thread included), is expecting professional accountability from a sites employees whose only function is to enable illegal piracy, and attempt to thwart any public admission which would get in the way of raking in revenue. I mean cmon people, read the room, lol. You pay for your ticket, and you take the ride, and that’s it.
that’s exactly what musk wants, which is why he backed trump in the us, with incompetents and the corrupt are in charge, he can do whatever he likes as long as he kicks em back their pieces