I used 2.2.1 well into the last decade. Every version after that was either pointless or full of some sort of malware.
I used 2.2.1 well into the last decade. Every version after that was either pointless or full of some sort of malware.
Current reports say you’re right and they’re still on for next week.
If his intent is to cause chaos, he overdid it. It’s impossible to care at this point.
Bloomberg is reporting it’s pushed back to April 2:
But you’re right, he’s all over the place about it.
He already blinked on the Canada tariffs. Put it off another month. We didn’t even pretend to do anything to appease him this time.
Those are preliminary numbers. They’ll do everything they can to hide the real numbers too. I wouldn’t be surprised if the real sales numbers are already down 80 percent.
I doubt these kids had many food options dude .
The US military (and others) are pouring R&D money into anti-drone lasers. It’s the only way for the cost element of anti-drone defenses to make any sense. When that tech is mature and small enough in sure it will eventually be mounted on tanks .
This war is a sample of what all major conflicts between industrialized nations are going to look like from now on. Even more utterly horrific for the average soldier. Death from above at any moment without warning, fuzzy front lines, the whole thing.
Winning wars and then losing the occupation is in your very recent history.
Canada NEEDS to replace political-parties with something intelligent, honest, and responsible!
Vague positive adjectives are not a plan.
“LOOK AT ME!!!” said the irrelevant person.
I’m pretty high right now but hear me out. I think Trump could be convinced to try to get Russia to turn over Kaliningrad to the US. It won’t happen, but if the right guy whispered it in his ear he would probably blurt it out.
You’re not creating more stick, but you’re making the stick longer. The pressure wave in the stick will travel at the speed of sound in the stick which will be faster than sound in air, but orders of magnitude slower than light.
Everything has some elasticity. Rigidity is an illusion . Things that feel rigid to us are rigid in human terms only.
Good for use as a talking point in the next round of nonsense that will start in a few weeks but impossible in practice. The US has been worshipping guns as a religion for 200 years and the Canada-US border has been perforated consistently by smugglers that whole time.
All that noise lol.
First tariffs on “day 1” , then Feb 1, then Feb 4, now Mar 1. I wonder how much more credibility he even has left on this.
Bend over and take what? Trumps declarations have no effect on Canada.
An amazing statement. Truly one of the statements of all time. American tariffs make Canadian exports to Canada less desirable, this very obviously affecting Canada, the sectors of the economy that create those goods, and the workers therin. I don’t even understand how you can type this. Literally just imagine the same sale of goods with and without a tariff.
As tariffs hurt the importing country, not the exporting country
They very obviously hurt both so long as there’s any demand elasticity and especially when there are alternatives sources for the products .
This reminds me more of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.
The stupidity that led him down that path still remains.