Seems like it’s not going according to plan then huh. US opponents are anything but submissive right now. I don’t think US has the capacity for a long game.
Seems like it’s not going according to plan then huh. US opponents are anything but submissive right now. I don’t think US has the capacity for a long game.
Cancelled a bunch of subscriptions after trump support for Ukraine. Seems like the only language americans understand is 💸
It’s crazy how people keep ignoring the troll issues and it’s driving me insane.
We know for a fact that there are ruzies going to office 9-5 to spread online propaganda and we kinda accept it as not a big deal? That’s straight up terrorism and no one’s talking about it.
I’m not an American but considering only 22% or so of population actually voted for trump I’m not sure you’re right that entire US culture is just broken. Maybe the attack is just so effective that even with 80% resistance it’s successful. I mean dudes wrote an entire plan book on in.
Maybe it’s time to come to terms that the system is simply vulnerable. I come from infosec background and it seems quite clear to me that US democracy is just incredibly vulnerable to attacks despite the “checks and balances” memes.
Yeah this quote really pivoted my life to a strong cosmopolitan view. By detaching ideas from people you can pick and choose and design your own philosophy and direction without attachment to exact people or inherited culture.
This is quite liberating mentally as solving cognitive dissonance is very expensive and theres an incredible amount of cognitive dissonance required to follow people who are often flawed or have conflicting ideas attached to them.
This just proves that american gloating over their “checks and balances” was bullshit all along. US will never live this down.
Yeah but this is everywhere around the world basically where many of these point are not the same or reverse even.
It feels like the entire system is fundamentally prone to abuse.
I think it applies outside of politics as well like art and even business.
That’s much more wholesome!
“Don’t follow people - follow ideas” which seems more relevant today than ever before it seems.
As in have low expectations of everything?
Wdym their example suggests otherwise? Both Japan and SK are doing well other than old people being lonely but that’s a given everywhere these days.
Nah I think it can be reduced to efficiency loss but if you replace that loss with gains through technology you can maintain the system and I think we can definitely see that. Contemporary Chinese is much more productive than what was 50 years ago and 2050? China with its current technology progression is looking very good in that regard.
On the opposite end theres Italy which doesn’t have the same tech capabilities so they can only really import more people to sustain.
I’m not convinced that shrinking population is at all an issue for a developed country that can replace workers with technology. China is already one if the most automated countries in the world and currently running the biggest infrastructure investments ever. I think if anyone can handle population reduction it’s probably China.
both of these issues are really reaching.
The only problem China would be facing is civil disobedience but as long as Chinese live slightly more comfortable year after year and don’t notice the spying/firewall too much the Chinese are just too spineless to do anything.
That’s why China basically has to do nothing to win geopolitica these days. Just sit back, continue spreading propaganda and see everything fall in their favor.
“Our assets are delivering”
But why is housing becoming unaffordable when materials are cheaper and technology is significantly more efficient?
How come this doesn’t apply to any other technology? The computers are better and cheaper, the TVs are, the machine tools are, the cars are etc. etc. The concrete is cheaper, the wood is cheaper, the quality is better, the logistics are faster and work force is more skilled and available.
No matter how you look at housing issue there’s no explanation other than policy failure and market manipulation. It just makes no sense, right?
No what we need is Americans to finally get a spine and topple their dictator. The world and US’ future can’t wait for year long courts that will likely result in nothing actionable anyway.