A car rammed into a crowd in Mannheim, Germany, killing one person and injuring several others.
The suspect is in custody, and authorities are investigating the incident, which occurred during a long weekend celebrating carnival.
While the motive is unclear, this incident follows previous car-ramming attacks in Germany with extremist motives.
While the motive is unclear
both mental health, but one has a violent self help group
This is what populism, scapegoating, and hateful rhetoric have given us.
Ich schäme mich für Deutschland.
I wonder if this guy felt like he had nothing to live for and nothing to lose so he just took his frustration out on society.
Please let it not be another immigrant.
The suspected driver has been arrested, according to police. According to information from the German Press Agency (dpa), the man is injured and in the hospital. He is said to be a German citizen. Currently, police do not believe there were any accomplices, as the dpa learned from security sources.
Well that doesnt count for much in this matter. The actual question is, was he white/german?
The motive is unclear… aka white bro.
More importantly it’s car violence.
True, though I was mostly asking from a “how will it be spun” perspective. But yeah I agree, the most interesting part of these terror attacks is that most of them seem to be car based.
According to Zeit online he’s German and has been known for psychological issues.
It really shouldn’t matter. It’s really fucked up that it does.
I hate that we have to worry about irrelevant details, just because fascists might use it as propaganda.
Bei seiner Festnahme hat sich der Mann mit einer Schreckschusspistole in den Mund geschossen.
Gosh darn I believe it. Shot himself with a bobby pistol.
Why “wounded” rather than injured?
Oh, the headline was changed. Good.
Wieso passiert das auf einmal so gut wie monatlich.
Still no lesson learned. F!ck cars.
so also F!ck knifes?
Fucking knifes seems hazardous, but I guess everything is a dildo if you are brave enough.
It’s easier to block cars than to do mass screening.