I still have my ex’s bathrobe that he grew out of, and that was two exes and over 10 years ago. It’s a lightweight flannel that already had a slightly worn texture when he gave it to me but that literally has not changed in the decade since. It’s not that “plush” stuff that gets weird and chunky within a few months, and it’s not that super thin knit that gets holes within a few years. It doesn’t have any of those whisps of thread that people like because they’re soft but that get caught on calluses and hangnails and drive me insane. It’s a horrible shade of dark green / navy plaid when I normally go for a more boho / mystical look but I would 100% perform magic spells in it anyway because it is that fucking comfortable. I’ve considered getting it embroidered just for some extra rizz but I worry it would get scratchy. 10/10 would steal from my ex again.

  • halfeatenpotato@lonestarlemmy.mooo.com
    10 days ago

    Growing up, I spent every Sunday going to a church my grandpa established, and afterwards my entire family would go over to my grandparent’s house for lunch. We would usually be there for hours, so many Sundays, my cousins and I would play gladiator outside in the backyard. We’d make weapons and armor out of whatever we could find, and just have a battle in the backyard. We did this from the time that we were little kids and all the way through my time in high school.

    In my early college years, I had mentioned to my boyfriend (who i had been with since high school) that I really missed this tradition with my cousins.

    He bought me this cute little gladiator doll to hang up on my car’s rearview mirror as a memento of those special times. No longer have that boyfriend, but I still have that little doll.