Here is the latest stable build of Yuzu that I’ve got from 24 hours ago for anyone who wasn’t able to download it in time.
I pirated BotW and TotK and others
Which made my brother buy a Switch and TotK and Mario Kart and a Nintendo Online subscription and aaaa…
Piracy increases sales, goddammit. Literally free advertising.
Nintendo is a shady company. When somebody improves their product all they care to do is destroy it and whoever supports it.
This is like a CIA Pulitzer. Nintendo could not have made a better endorsement of Yuzu’s performance.
Fuck Nintendo
It needs to work both ways then. Nintendo needs to pay for all the free advertisement that emulators provide.
Anytime I mess with an emulator and play an old game it triggers nostalgia. I then purchase new software and hardware from the company it belongs to.
This is some shady shit that Nintendo is pulling.