I, like many and hopefully some of y’all, stopped paying my student loans during Covid and never restarted paying because we’re supposed to have gotten relief from this debt that should’ve never existed in the first place. Now we have Trump coming back which kills the possibility of debt relief. So should I start repaying so I don’t get my wages garnished? Or do we think the government is going to be too inefficient to come after it?
Edit: At one point when I heard that it was the only way to get forgiveness, I moved all my debt from a third party to being a government loan. Does that change anything?
I hate that, as someone who was truly on top of this 4 years ago and submitting paperwork for public service forgiveness and all, I have no fucking clue as to what is happening now or what’s next. So, as someone who definitely owes money on that, and had a kid right before the pandemic hit, and is desperately adrift keeping shit together, I really hope someone has a great ELI5 coming on this thread lol
ELI5 Pay your debt that you willing took on yourself.
I mean, I have been paying this whole time lol, did I say otherwise? That shit is on autopay. What I do mean is that I haven’t kept up with the constant shifting of rules and programs that start and then get stopped by the courts, etc. I am busy working my ass off, and if last time I had to deal with this is any indication, I have to take the equivalent of a whole day off, do research, spend hours on the phone with the servicer, then do a bunch of paperwork just to ensure I have things the way they are supposed to be (unlike a whole year I was overpaying because I didn’t know about some consolidation process).
These are government loans that are then managed by private companies. Considering I pay not only interest but also taxes, I think is fair to ask that the way it be managed by some better means than some shifty inefficient third party business, that makes me do their job for them just so I can be paying the fair amount I am supposed to, and also get the forgiveness the government promised me for applying my advanced degree to non-profit work for 10 years: that’s not a fucking hand out, it’s a deal the government made with me to satisfy a policy need they had. I am doing my part and making all these payments for a decade, and they’re not exactly doing their best to keep their end of the bargain when you have some byzantine program they outsourced and screws over a bunch of people that have kept up their end of the bargain.
So, get over yourself. I don’t understand what’s your fucking problem here
My problem is you expecting a bail out for something you signed up for yourself. I’m not over here complaining about my my loans. I pay them.
How does a 30 year mortgage sound then? Gonna whine and complain about that for ten years and just expect it paid off by others? Get outta here loser
What fucking bailout are you talking about? I signed up for IDRF, a 10 year program that I knew about from the get go, as did the government, and I am paying the entirety of it, at year 9 as of now. I know how it worked. But they also changed several terms since, as I said. When did at any point did I say I am not paying? I am saying they have a shitty service outsourced service provider and keep changing the rules back and forth. I expect better than that, as I am keeping exactly to the terms of my deal…
Are we talking about the same thing here?
Edit: to put in the terms you mentioned, if I got a 30 year mortgage - I would you expect that I would be paying to the same bank, on the same terms, for the duration of the loan - and that the bank wouldn’t keep losing your shit or taking months to process each piece of paperwork you submit
It seems you’re really just parroting some political view, I am not expecting some magical bailout for getting in over my head. The government asked me to apply my degree to non-profit work for less pay than I would get in industry, for a price - since I guess the free market is not exactly throwing around PhDs to go teach when they can make better money. They would compensate me for filling an underserved need by reducing the overall term of the loan if I kept up with my end of the bargain. AKA they were paying me to go work where they needed it, instead of where I could make up that same money on my own. See there, a clear business transaction between us: they offered to pay me to fix something they decided was a policy priority - how is any of this transaction a bailout, when we both entered into with knowledge of its terms almost 10 years ago?
Now, them being really bad at managing that, and outsourcing it to some poorly run outfit, that’s them not keeping their end of the bargain.
The world is not black and white my friend, think before you spew hate at strangers. What you’re proposing is akin to the government hiring a contractor and stiffing them. This program is intended to get people with good educations into needed public service positions. You obviously don’t care about teachers/education, but I sense you would be up in arms if I said that instead I got a degree in criminology to be a cop, and then took a deal from the government to go work where officers were needed, and the government didn’t pony up on their end of the bargain.
Thank you daddy please spank me more
I moved all my debt from a third party to being a government loan. Does that change anything?
Yes, that is the wisest move you could have mmade considering your circumstances as I understand. I am not an accountant, lawyer or professional of any kind that’s relevant. Some of what I say here may be incorrect. To the best of my knowledge it’s accurate. I am someone who had the entirety of their student loans forgiven, thanks to president Joe Biden. It took a large amount of time spent reading legalese, time on the phone with loan servicer representatives and way too much time worrying about shit which I could not change quickly or easily.
First thing: No one should ever be trapped in a situation, where they feel they must choose between bills/food/rent or paying loans granted for educational purposes and enabled/encouraged by the government. No one. Honestly it’s ironic in my opinion, that there is a lack of educational resources available for mitigating debt gained solely for the purpose of education.
Thankfully, there are also many, many rules in place, made to prevent your situation and others like it from occurring.
- Call your loan servicer or spend time on their website.
If you suck on the phone, go to their website. If the website sucks or is confusing, take short notes and write down any questions. The most likely best option for you is an Income Driven Repayment plan. IDR. However, some people may not qualify due to whatever loan scams were available when the loan was first taken out.
- The servicer representatives are paid regardless of what you do.
The person you talk to is not getting a commision. Your payments do not go to them. They are there to answer your questions. Their job is to keep the account out of default. They (probably) do not want you to go into default or declare bankruptcy. They (hopefully) want you to communicate, work with them and eventually make payments or contribute to society (more on that later). The government owns your debt. That debt is also probably insured or negligable. The government probably does not NEED your balance in full on time. They have other ways of generating income, like literally generating physical currency. Having wages garnished and getting drops in your credit score are from not doing anything and gnoring the debt and their notices.
- IDR.
On an IDR they will look at your income and any other expenses you might have. Some things count in your favor like paying your electric bill and rent, other things are irrelevant like a nyetflix subscription or paying for ubers. They determine through algorithms or math or something if you can afford to make payments or not. If you are truly in dire finanacial stress, you probably will get a deferment if you aren’t already on one.
- There are other debt forgiveness programs.
If you work as a teacher you can get loans forgiven. Same goes for certain types of public service. There are other repayment plan options. Check studentaid.gov, it has a forgiveness page with a wealth of information. It isn’t always easy to understand because there is a lot of nuance and circumstances covered. You can try calling their hotline number too but I had better luck with the servicer. Mine were forgiven due to being totally and permanently disabled. I had no idea it was an option.
- Conclusion.
There are other comments here basically saying “jUsT pAy it” which aren’t contributing to the conversation at all. They should be treated as what they are: trolls and losers. Fuck them. They deserve nothing, not a second glance, not a reply, not even a downvote. Fuck. Those. Pricks.
Good luck, don’t let your past define your future. Unless you want it to.
As much as it sucks, we most likely aren’t getting student loan forgiveness. It didn’t happen while Biden was in the height of his presidency, so it’s even less likely to happen now. It’s especially not happening now when the next guy up would most likely just repeal anything shoved through for it at the last minute before he takes office.
Switching to a government backed loan like you did should give you more options to potentially continue deferment based off your income, but that is something you would need to sort out with your loan provider. The term is “income based repayment”.
It didn’t happen while Biden was in the height of his presidency
It didn’t?
In his first year in office I remember loans were getting partially forgiven through the public service forgiveness, (for firefighters, teachers, first responders and other civil servants) Prior to Biden, that program forgave ~7,000 loans in full or in part since it started in 2007. Overall, the current leadership has forgave some or all student loan debt for over 4 million people so far. That’s pretty great I think. Hopefully they manage to help a few more of the remaining 10 million victims.
It continues to gather interest. If you don’t pay it down, you will have a larger loan in the future.
Pay your debt.
I cant afford it either way. Before the pandemic there was more student loan debt in the US than credit card debt. It’s the 2008 housing bubble all over again, only this time there aren’t even millions of worthless homes to compensate lenders.
Why cant you afford it? Didn’t you think about how you were going to pay it back when you signed the papers agreeing that you would pay it back?
I was 17 and had never even seen $1,000 before, never had an actual job, and had no concept of what it could mean to lose a job. I was paying everything i owed plus extra until 2022, then i could only afford the massive minimum payments, then i lost my job this year and couldn’t afford that anymore. I can either put all my money into payments that ultimately do nothing for me, or i can put what little i have left into rent and food. If you can’t understand that, then you are very fortunate and i hope you never have to face down these sorts of choices because it is a truly terrible way to live.
You can fuck right off with that bullshit. An 18 year old pressured into signing a predatory loan does not have the capacity to understand the bullshit they are in for.
Why do you blame the consumer instead of the scam loan company?
You’re never stopping predatory businesses from being predatory.
There are many ways to get assistance with student loans. There’s FAFSA before you start, there are federally backed ones that can’t pump up the interest rates, there’s income based repayment plans (that can go as far as full deferment), and if for some reason someone made the mistake of not using any of that there’s still options for loan consolidation/refinancing to better rates when better rates are available. On top of all that, most loan providers will work with you. They want your money, not the hassle of selling your loan to a collections agency for a lower amount.
None of that eliminates predatory loan providers, or the targeting of unprepared 18 year olds, but the impact can be blunted.
Beyond all that, at some point, some amount of personal responsibility must be taken for one’s actions. None of us will always have the capacity to fully understand every choice we make, or the knowledge to make those decisions from a fully informed position, but we all have to make certain decisions in life anyway and live with the consequences. Not fair, but that’s life.
In what other situation would we be okay with allowing an 18 year old with no income to take out tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt? The system is purpose built to fuck over the better part of two generations of people.
Is that meant to be a counterpoint? It doesn’t counter anything I said.
I acknowledged that it’s a shitty, predatory practice. That’s not something that I think any reasonable person could debate against. It still doesn’t invalidate any of my points.
There are many resources out there to assist, and in life we are regularly made to make decisions we aren’t adequately prepared for while we are still responsible for the consequences.
Why should we be accepting shitty predatory practices? We regularly protect people from the decisions they’re not adequately prepared for, as I think we should.
I mean, I always understand the fact that if you borrow money you have to pay it back. With interest. pretty simple concept learned in like 6th grade.
Which is entirely seperate from having a grasp on how much money it is you’re borrowing and how hard it will be to pay back
How? I mean I hear 60k and think man that’s alot