Does anyone know a way to sideload apps on the Chromecast without installing some sketchy “file uploader HD” app?
All the guides I can find online recommend installing some random file transfer app.
Can’t get termux or f-droid, nor Firefox, chrome or even apkpure
Use adb on your computer. Adb is how you officially debug android devices so it’s as far away from sketchy as can be.
Iirc that requires a usb connection at least in the first instance right? I guess only one way to find out if the usb c charging port on the Chromecast dongle supports any kind of data transfer
You can just do it wirelessly, just like you would with any other phone
Are you talking about the same device? Op is talking about a Chromecast, not an android TV.
The last non-AndroidTV Chromecast model was discontinued over 3 years ago. Seems reasonable to assume AndroidTV model, if OP doesn’t specify, at this point
Yes I was, that’s how I did it initially on my Chromecast with Google TV. No wires involved, just adb.
I’ll have to give that a go thought you needed wired to authenticate first
iirc you don’t, at least I remember to have installed some apps via adb from my phone and I didn’t use a cable.
You can do it via wifi
The answer is yes it does, this is how I did it. Maybe you can prove me wrong but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a USB-C port that was incapable of data transfer, I actually thought it was part of the standard
If it’s rooted, you can just ssh to it
It is unfortunately not and I think to be able to root it I’d need to get some kind of files onto it in the first place anyway wouldn’t I?
Also unsure what rooting it would do to DRM controlled streaming, which I would rather not hobble the quality of