The struggle is real
I know I show favoritism with people and pets, but I’ve been in so many situations in my life where I’ve had to consciously remove that behavior that nowadays it comes automatically for a lot of situations. When someone asks me who I’d prefer to do something with, my knee jerk reaction isn’t “who do I want to do this with more?” It’s “who did I do this with most recently?”
Also, favorites are just way too situational. My favorite color? On what? A hamburger? Pink. My clothes? Black. My computer? Mauve.
My favorite food? For which meal? How was my day? What have I eaten recently?
There are some easy favorites. My favorite hoodie is the one that my, now ex previously partner, brought to me while I was going through one of my lowest points in life. I’m grateful they let me keep it.
My favorite thing about life is learning. Perhaps that’s why I struggle to pick favorites. My favorite anything is one that I have not yet experienced, because I get to learn something when I do. I’m really trying to keep my love for learning against the odds. I know that it becomes more difficult as you get older, and I’ve definitely slipped into complacency with my knowledge for a few periods in my life. I also know that if I continue to fight for myself and others ability and access to knowledge, it will be easier to maintain my desire to learn. Otherwise I’d be a hypocrite for telling everyone to go pick up a book haha
I love this