The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon is when you never noticed something or saw something before, and then you see it everywhere.

For example say you see a chipmunk in an area you never noticed them before, and now you just see chipmunks everywhere.

    2 months ago

    Wilhelm scream. It’s in everything. It’s memorable in Star Wars and Indiana Jones, but it’s in Soul Plane too.

    I’ve watched far too many hours of sitcoms, because I’m recognizing a specific laugh that gets re-used over and over. It’s by far the worst on How I Met Your Mother (where I first noticed it). They’ll repeat the same laugh 2-3 times within the same episode. It’s a specific high-pitched laugh that almost sounds like the person is inhaling while laughing rather than exhaling. HIMYM doesn’t use a live audience so they re-use the same laughs for the entire run of the show.