Yeah someone else provided some good links to the links here. I was making the same connection. Check the other reply.
Yeah someone else provided some good links to the links here. I was making the same connection. Check the other reply.
Yeah, seems like a pretty good source. It reminds me of the “Bin Laden Determined to Attack Within the US” reports that surfaced after the 9/11 attacks. I don’t actually believe that GWB was in on it, but I could see the administration letting something happen for reason to go to war.
It’s so similar in a way. Perhaps both were intentionally allowed at some level, just underestimated in scale. I can’t imagine either of the leaders, Bush or Netanyahu, to allow so many of their “own people” to die and make a mockery of their countries to the world. Perhaps they did. I doubt we’ll ever know.
Yeah except for all those other times when everyone was slaughtered down to their animals. Or you know, that time when the entire human and air-breathing animal population of the planet except for 0.0000000001% were killed.
Yeah those plagues weren’t too bad comparatively.
Do you mean like, the way war drives technical innovation?
I don’t get it.
Thank you! Like I said I’ve got this damn stubborn blind spot about the geography and differences in those parts of Europe. Norway is the long one that’s to the west right?
I’m only half kidding here.
If you believe in the divine Jesus, and have a decent understanding of history, surely you would know that the man would look more like the average Palestinian than the average Israeli.
When it comes to religion though logic must leave the building.
I’m with you up until you start talking specifically about catholics. I don’t have stats on hand but I believe the venn diagram of “people who believe in forcing Jesus to come back with some bullshit in the holy land” and “catholics” has very little overlap.
Here in the bible belt I’ve known and met many flavors of protestant who don’t even think of catholics as christians.
I have no proof of this, but I think Israeli intelligence knew the October Hamas attack was coming. Probably didn’t realize how severe it was going to be, but they may have wanted it for an excuse for everything they did after.
I can’t even wrap my head around what the goal of Hamas was with their attack. Surely they knew that Israel’s response would be total insanity. Maybe they’re drinking their own koolaid even at the top.
I wonder which country I’m thinking of. It’s embarrassing but all of northeast Europe (with the exception of Russia) is kinda interchangeable in my mind. No offense meant, I just have a annoyingly stubborn blind spot in my knowledge there.
I had heard about the bridges and tunnels being rigged and I think that’s so smart, especially for the terrain. I almost mentioned it but I wasn’t sure if that was Finland or not. I really need to better educate myself on the differences of countries in that part of the world and the Nordic countries to the north.
Isn’t Finland the country where after you do your mandatory service, you must keep your rifle at home and in good working order? I think they have regular checks to make sure everyone has their rifle ready. Can you imagine being in an army trying to invade a country where almost every house has at least one full auto capable rifle and the training to use it well?
I don’t like the idea of forced military service but I have to admit it’s made them nothing to fuck with.
Also they do have a provision to take back your rifle if you’re dealing with mental health issues.
The SAM didn’t take the plane out. They were refused landing in Russia and told to go fly across the sea to land. Looks like they almost made it, crashed and rolled. Half the passengers survived this insanity.
it was they declared to be baby Jesus’ birthday
Twas always a sham. A shame. A flutter
The Christians bewitched by a powerful other
Their Lord, born with harvest, Almighty Lover,
Was born not in darkness through which we shudder
Yeah approval rating never changes from election day to when they make themselves dictators. Everyone knows that. Look it up.
Last I heard, Netanyahu had a 12% approval rating. There are a ton of Israelis that don’t support this shit.
I had never seen the Born before. To me it looks just about as bland as anything. What makes it interesting to you?
I hate crossovers but I actually like the Taycan. I love everything Porsche makes. Too bad I’ll never be able to afford one.
I didn’t know they had an electric version of the Taycan. That’s awesome.
Edit - Macan not Taycan
Don’t listen to them, your statement was fine, your English is good, and I think what you wrote is better than their edit.
I think they’re trying to be funny by implying that he doesn’t know shit about anything, rather than just Germany, but it’s not a well crafted joke if that was the intention.
They say Catholic because that is their religion, just like someone would say Baptist. I assure you they think of themselves as Christians.
Ask any Catholic, “Are you a Christian?” They will answer yes every single time.