Can any straight man here explain what they like and why they like boobs so much? Like, what makes them attractive and why? Is it the size? Shape? Or The way they jiggle?
Can any straight man here explain what they like and why they like boobs so much? Like, what makes them attractive and why? Is it the size? Shape? Or The way they jiggle?
“Gay woman”
Isn’t that just straight woman?
…no. They said “gay woman”. Not “straight woman”
Gay does not mean “likes men”
That is exactly what it means
I’m going to assume you’re being wilfully ignorant but not trying to be an ass. “Gay” is more often used of men than women, and it’s perhaps more common for people to use “lesbian” for gay women, but it just means homosexual (or sometimes more generally not heterosexual), regardless of sex or gender.
Cambridge: “sexually or romantically attracted to people of the same gender or sex”
Merriam-Webster: “of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to people of one’s same sex”
Oxford: “sexually or romantically attracted to people of the same sex”
Brittanica: “sexually or romantically attracted to someone who is the same sex”
Wiktionary: “Possessing sexual and/or romantic attraction towards people one perceives to be the same sex or gender as oneself.”
How stupid are you? What kinda rock you been under?
English mother fucker, do you speak it?