Or am I simply the world’s worst grinch because it makes my teeth grind so much?
Where did Santa touch you?
In the retail outlet.
I feel this so very much lol. Working in retail (or food) and your boss plays the radio? All year, always the same ~50 songs a day… except Nov 1 - Jan 1, when it becomes the same 20 Jesus themed songs on repeat 6x times a day, and not even different versions.
The only one that gets a pass is the Charlie Brown one, it helps that it’s instrumental.
Yes, but where? Und slooowly
puts on little round glasses, does a bump of cocaine, and pulls out therapy notes. Says, in an Austrian accent:
Vell you see. OP vas not ze one touched by der Santa Clauz, no. In die zong, eine voman zings zeductively - offering herzelf to Herr Santa. OP’s irrational anger upon merely hearing Santa Baby surely relates to zer own zexual unfufilment. OP is angry because he vas not touched by Herr Santa… or by anyvon.
Christmas music makes me a total grinch it’s terrible
Years of holiday retail soured me to it honestly, brings out the best in people…