idk about you, but I have felt like I am revolting for a while.
idk about you, but I have felt like I am revolting for a while.
Perhaps in theory we do, but that involves a whole load of people changing their behaviour at the same time, and that’s pretty difficult to achieve.
So the best way to stop a runaway train is usually to derail it. I’m not saying we won’t get to the point where derailing the train becomes a socially acceptable idea, but I don’t think we’re there just yet.
I think at this point it must be argued that Musk is an inside agent seeking to accelerate the downfall of capitalism by making it clear how dangerous it is to concentrate wealth to this degree.
Well, that, or he is planning on taking USA full Russia. Extremism and misinformation from the top down.
Or, like drugs or something?
Extremist’s gonna extreme.
I don’t believe there is a space in society for men’s to talk about issues like this that affect them. I don’t believe there are structures in place to attempt to address these issues.
I’ve come across a segment of society which seems to believe that men don’t feel emotions in the same way as women, that they should be tough - not cry, ‘be a man’, ‘man up’.
My belief is that a number of men in society are psychologically scarred by regressive beliefs like these and would hazard a guess that these beliefs contribute towards loneliness and suicide. I also believe that it’s a big driver of things like the red pill movement.
Now you might say that this is a feminist issue, in that it’s the result of outmoded gender stereotypes (which probably have a negative impact on women too), and I would broadly agree with you. But until we allow men to come out and say “I suffer too from sexism” I don’t see how we can move past it.
Thanks for your comment, it’s certainly one of the better considered ones in this thread!
There are many points of similarity and difference between the various forms of prejudice. And one of the things that makes sexism unique is that prejudice against women inevitably creates a mirror prejudice about (if not intentionally against) men. If being feminine means having emotions other than rage, men are allowed to experience only rage. If being feminine means caring for others, men are not allowed to care for (or about) others.
How do we distinguish between legitimate grievances that men may have and the more reactionary/politically divisive. Whenever I hear the above argument, it strikes me as dismissive of legitimate issues and it feels dismissive of my experiences.
In order to affect real change, do we not need to move past dismissing the problems raised by one gender? Isn’t it more likely that we change people’s behaviour by acceptance of their viewpoint rather than telling them they’re just being difficult?
feminism is fundamentally as important for men as it is for women and the issues facing men exist precisely because of the history of subjugating women
I agree with you here, but I think it’s also important to take note of the fact that feminism is a fairly broad church so the idea that there is one ‘feminist perspective’ which cares about men too is, to my mind, undermined by the negation of the importance of men’s issues I commonly see.
Step 1: Steal all of the resources.
Step 2: Make everyone forget you stole all of the resources.
Step 3: Give some of the resources back. (Don’t you look so brilliant)