GOP politics have been firmly in the area of “just say something inflammatory for the sound bite” for a long time now.
There is no strategy other than being a bully, which tragically seems to play very well to their base.
GOP politics have been firmly in the area of “just say something inflammatory for the sound bite” for a long time now.
There is no strategy other than being a bully, which tragically seems to play very well to their base.
Sorry I took the cue from your post and thought dogshit low effort posting was what we were doing here.
No u.
What a surprise: AdamEatsAss likes enemas. 🫡
I think we’re just testing the old adage that a lie told often enough becomes the truth.
How many lies does it take to get to the center of a reality pop?
On the surface it seems like a good idea: if the home isn’t going to be your primary residence you pay extra—a lot extra—to curtail a housing shortage caused in part by foreigners buying and inflating.
That said… if the issue there is anything like it is here in the states, the buyers will have more than enough capital to buy anyways and just pass the cost along to tenants… making the problem worse?
I don’t really get this, seems like most of the info I’ve seen about this printer kinda assumes you already know what and why it is.
How is this distinct from a positron? Because it uses 3d printed parts? If so, why would you want that?
Text rendering over the gpu is much smoother. For many users there may indeed be no perceptible difference but if you work on anything that scrolls a lot of text or has a tui that updates the screen rapidly the gpu can give a much nicer overall experience—especially if you use a lot of Unicode.
Glass can and will break for no apparent reason, even tempered glass.
During manufacturing the glass can take on stress that is not visible but is a ticking time bomb. Temperature differential alone can push that stress past its breaking point.