luckily, it’s easy to change your dns server.
“LibreOffice was based on”
you can just subscribe and see for yourself
Is this the right community to post this?
most of them are not “open source”.
yes, you can’t add to the sound something that’s no longer there by just reformatting the mp3 to flac
what happened on ninth of November?
Scribus may help you with that
IronFox is good news 😁
But privacy often enables easier/more secure piracy
just because piracy needs anonymity doesn’t mean that privacy is enabling piracy!
we, humans, have a right to privacy. Piracy, though justifiable under certain conditions by its practitioners, is not a right.
“remove exif” isn’t there when the file doesn’t have exif, iiuc
properties > remove EXIF
block user indeed
Syncthing-Fork ☞
where did you download palemoon from? Which OS are you on? Did you scan for viruses recently? Your lang may be set in English but is your region English speaking? did you try manually setting the homepage you prefer? &c et cetera
if you’re comparing note apps and don’t want to try them all one by one like i did, somebody apparently tried them all and wrote reviews ☞
also is a nice addition but i like the fact that notally is just 1.9mb. So i keep using notally and delete a dozen backups from time to time :/
in addition to some feeds already posted by others: