I most frequently encounter these when feeding the cat, so in that case I have a spoon out already.
I most frequently encounter these when feeding the cat, so in that case I have a spoon out already.
Surprised no one’s brought up Futurama yet.
Everyone assumes Canada is super liberal country just because of universal healthcare. They forget that Alberta is basically snowy Texas, and the other prairie provinces have more in common with the Midwest than New York.
Even if Canada would merge with the US, surely it wouldn’t become a state. We all know the importance of the Senate at this point, and how the two-senators-per-state rule affects things. At the very least, each province would want to become a state to get more senators, and it may be in the best interest of some of the larger provinces like Ontario or Quebec to subdivide to gain even more, if they can get away with it. Goodness knows the idea of splitting California has been floated by some to try to get something closer to senator-per-capita parity.
Trump said he’d end the war in a day. If it’s not over by Tuesday, I may start thinking he wasn’t being honest.
Both of those mice have weights you can add or remove to your liking. Maybe you took a few out of the old mouse so it was lighter?
The data brokers can still sell your data, it’s just a lot less useful to the marketing teams or scam artists that are buying it in bulk. For identity thieves, it may become more valuable, at least until word of your death works its way through the system, as there’s no living person to contest the impersonation.
Terry Pratchett wrote, “Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?” but I don’t think he had data brokers in mind when he wrote it in 2004.
Shortesy is a spin off of Letterkenny. Great show, so long as you’re comfortable with some blue comedy.
I’ll take the UK version any day. Robert Llewelyn did a great job as host. Did anyone ever have a successful build using hydraulics?
Mastodon was the morphing phrase & zord of the original Black Ranger.
Vermont imports a quarter of its electricity from HydroQuebec. We’ve made it very clear this past weekend what we think of the administration. All the same, I completely understand.