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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Well for me, that’s why my social anxiety doesn’t really exist so much at work. I can simply do my work if I have nothing to say or if no one seems to want to interact with me. And then with the interaction with coworkers bit…I’m literally required to interact with coworkers to perform my job duties. So then branching out into casual chats isn’t weird because we were already just discussing work.

    If I’m at say…a coffeeshop or something…interaction with other patrons doesn’t really make sense contextually…even if I start to recognize the regulars who are there. There is nothing we are doing cooporatively.

  • I used to drink a fair amount of pop. I mean, not excessive amounts, but more than I do now. In all my years on earth, I’ve absolutely never ever able to enjoy diet soft drinks. The aftertaste is just absolutely disgusting and the entire flavor of the drink is ruined.

    I actually like artificial sweetener in my coffee because coffee already has a very bitter and strong aftertaste. So artificial sweeteners are not as noticeable. But with soft drinks it just completely takes over and makes everything absolutely disgusting.

    I didn’t like sparkling water at first, but over the years I’ve come to really enjoy it and I drink it far more than I do soft drinks. I’d pick a sparkling water over a diet soft drink 1000000%.

  • I think your assessment of the issue is accurate. People don’t go out and do things like they did before the pre cellphone and internet age.

    But for me…for the life of me if I go out and do stuff on my own, I cannot interact with strangers. It’s uncomfortable, unpleasant, and I don’t get anything out of it. I don’t know how that’s supposed to magically swing the other direction.

    Hell, even with people I like and know well… interacting with them outside of our “normal” routine is uncomfortable and unpleasant for me. Over the years, I’ve befriended someone at work and feel comfortable there. But for the life of me, I cannot gain the same level of comfort and satisfaction hanging out outside of work.

    I’ve had a sister in law for years and years now. Despite this, I do not have the inability to interact with her. It is uncomfortable, unlessant, and I do not get anything out of it. It’s not her fault…she’s a very nice person. But I just absolutely cannot ever gain comfort around people in certain (read: many) types of scenarios. I am comfortable around my parents and that’s it. No matter how often I spend with other people.

    Exposing myself repeatedly to these scenarios has not ever helped or made any sort of difference.