Is it your political creed commonly against immigration?
From your post history you see left leaning which is just almost always pro-immigration.
Is it your political creed commonly against immigration?
From your post history you see left leaning which is just almost always pro-immigration.
DNA based proofs are pretty undeniable unless you have a twin.
I have this book. It’s a few Kb in size and I have already seed Gb of it. It has an insane ratio. I think I will never delete that torrent.
I don’t think there’s a significant amount of people that complain about women led movies. Certainly not enough to just say “men” as a group.
Probably it’s just a low quality ragebait post. Because I also don’t think that there’s a significant amount of people that believe that “men” don’t like female led movies, first example that comes to mind is Kill Bill, most if not al men I know love that movie.
Edit: Funnily enough, I’ve been thinking and I don’t think Kill Bill would pass a reversed Bechdel test: “two man talking to each other and the subject is not a woman”. As there are little conversations between two man in the movie and probably most of them refer to the protagonist. Still a widely loved movie.
My kindle have not been connected to the internet since 2015.
If just for reading ereader is much easier on the eyes and amazing battery life. Completely different products I think.
It also has a Firefox extension that add download and subscribe buttons for Tubearchivist directly on youtube website.
Yesh numbers can be easily manipulated.
Netflix is “sold” along other services. Here many internet companies bundle netflix in their plans.
They don’t need to be attractive to the consumer. They just need to do a deal behind curtains with other companies and force Netflix on people by other ways. Numbers go up.
Not pirated. But my country, Spain, released an open AI model completely for free. Everything is open. The training data the models and everything. It’s supposedly ethically trained with open data(I have not personally dig in the training data but it’s there published).
It’s focused on spanish and regional languages of spain. But I think it can also do things in English.
Not piracy per se, as it’s completely legal. But there’s something you don’t depend on any bussiness to run.
I trust my will to do it. But I will fail for two reasons:
I don’t fully understand humans. I will try a world that would be perfect if everyone would be like me. Problem? That’s not the world we live in.
Even with all the money and a good plan I’m a bullet away from the ground. And I’m pretty sure anyone trying to fix things becomes a priority target right away.
It used a problem that was talked about a lot in the latest century. Then some countries reduced their nativity by their own and it was marked as “it’s going to solve itself”.
Problem is, population keeps growing worldwide. Even in these countries with reduced nativity, population keeps growing via immigration.
Also the main drive on reduced nativity was increase of the quality of life and feminism. I think both things are in danger. Quality of life has been descending in later years, and feminism is being eaten by an increase in religious madness all across the world.
So I think overpopulation is still going strong and it will keep going stronger. And it will be a self induced problem, because overpopulation will reduce quality of life, and a reduced quality of life will make people breed more.
I actually think is the number one problem, way more dangerous that climate change. Because, among other things, there’s nothing more polluting than a human being, the more humans in this Earth the more impossible will be fight back climate change. Humans pollute.
And the worst is that no one cares about this issue, and people tend to become very violent when you mention it as a problem.
It doesn’t make any sense. If you are a whistleblower is because you already published the information. They are not killing you so the information does not get revealed. They are killing because you already did.
I’m already smart and beautiful.
Isn’t there a genie out there that cures anxiety?
Overpopulation and regression of social advances.
Buying a 16 TB hard drive for… purposes.
I2p is not a more efficient file sharing protocol.
You may be thinking about ipfs, which is a file sharing protocol, but I wouldn’t say that is more efficient than bittorrent afaik.
Boardgames I found a discord room.ñ, it’s about the “boardgame engine videogame” but they post assets of real boardgames.
RPGs, there’s a Telegram group with a name like this mineral.
Longer posts. More control over formating. Easier to post more types of media.
And maybe it’s less of a “social” media, and more of a “personal” project.
Maybe it’s 90s nostalgia talking, but I miss those cool personal webpages.
How it’s possible that the political movement that aim for the benefits of the 99% is unpopular by definition?
Identity politics may be unpopular by definition, but not leftism.