Why would you even attempt that if you can much more easily circumvent their ban by using a vpn. Assuming that you can still use a vpn, I’m not on reddit anymore.
Why would you even attempt that if you can much more easily circumvent their ban by using a vpn. Assuming that you can still use a vpn, I’m not on reddit anymore.
Also remember Brock Turner who raped an unconscious woman and only served three months in prison because his rich dad argued “prison is a steep price to pay for only 20 minutes of action”.
And remember Ethan Couch who killed 4 while drunk driving and got away with a slap on the wrist because he argued his rich upbringing didn’t teach him that drunk driving and killing people had consequences.
That is, Ethan the murder Couch and Brock the rapist Turner
Because everyone knows:
once you delete something from the Internet, it is gone forever
- Beyonce
Why even use tiktok?