8 days ago“Time flies, time crawls You’re a prisoner trapped between its claws Life sucks, sometimes You gotta learn to live between the lines”
Pretty much as written. Time marches forward no matter how I feel about it. My best friend died, people still sat in traffic on the way to work. My wife said she wanted a divorce, the mailman still brought me bills. I made the best chilli I’ve ever tasted and my neighbors cat disappeared. You gotta learn to just accept that life is fleeting and carve out your own space. Find your own joy. Bring your own good time. Because life doesn’t owe you anything and moaning about it won’t make things better.
Laugh all you want but this is clearly a top 4d chess move. It’s a little early to tell exactly what it is, but it’s either the I’m rubber; you’re glue gambit, or it could be the neener-neener maneuver. Either way, we should be proud to witness this in our lifetimes.