Mormon Satanist. Transracial Socialist Workers Party Kopimist Monk. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Over 45,000 downvotes, mocked, parodied, and bullied —all because I dare stand against the current Duopoly. Yet here I am, standing tall, defending worker’s rights. “Union!”
Thanks for proving me right! lmao
Yes, and it’s clear that they wouldn’t have done an outright temp ban for the length of time they did if you didn’t already have the history you did.
It’s clear that if they thought I was a troll worthy of a permaban, they would have permabanned me. But instead the temp banned me for posting duplicate articles. Just like the link said. And just like I said.
And since I’m not permabanned, I guess they don’t think I’m the troll that you think. IN FACT, reading through those comments in that thread, one of the mods also mentioned that many of the comments that people considered me “trolling” where in fact, a result of other people trolling me. And there are STILL people getting comments removed for being uncivil towards me and I’m not even in that community right now! lmao
If I’m so bad, you could just block me. Instead, you are proving everything I said was right, and everyone here can see that. Thanks, friend! :)
Check the link. Mods said it was for duplicate article. They made a post about it and said it right there in the post!! Lol
How am I lying if I said what they said!? And it’s a temporary ban. The link is right there, friend.
I know you’re mad and want it to be a permaban for trolling. But it’s not. Accept it. Lol
I’m still doing plenty of posting of articles that I find interesting, and I’ll be back in that sub in 12 days, so don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.
Thanks, friend! :)
Right?! We need to name more of our US laws after cool stuff like this!
Says the stalking account…
Right?! And then they like to post the stats of how many downvotes I get, even though they’re the ones leading the downvoting brigade. Then calling me a troll, even tho they are the ones stalking people. lmao
Turns out that I made some people mad (ok, really really mad) and they follow me around to downvote, regardless of subject. Then they post stats of how many downvotes I get. A post in this very community that was removed for it. Look at how obsessive this dude got listing every single thing I’ve said and done LMAO. That’s some hate dedication:
Weird, I know. But it is what it is. They had a big “Fuck That Horrible Coward, Universal Monk” party when I got a two-week ban in a community (for posting duplicate article from different sources):
Not worth visiting the link unless you are really bored and want to see a very passionate crowd celebrating my demise. Just the usual boring “oh the guy’s a troll since he’s not voting with us. He’s probably paid by Putin!! Send him to the hounds!!!” nonsense. :)
I advocated voting third party in the US election. Community NOT amused. To put it lightly! lol
So yeah, that’s why when you see post from me, they’ll be downvoted really fast. Those guys really really hold a grudge. But hey, at least this is only -6 right now. Usually, it gets to the -30’s really fast, so maybe they are finally tired of following me around. lol
It’ll be interesting to see if it changes things up. No big changes like that will happen in the US elections, so I’m watching how BC handle severything.
Yeah, it’s just as boring as it sounds too. Sorry!
Though the creepy guy tracking my daily post stats and downvotes is kinda fascinating from a psychological point of view. I mean, can you imagine being so consumed by hate that instead of just blocking someone, you actually track their posts and downvotes every day, then share it?! lol. Hey, welcome to Lemmy, I guess. :)
Trust me friend, the fact that it’s only at -3 is small miracle in itself! lol Usually I get -40 within a day.
Turns out that I made some people mad (ok, really really mad) and they follow me around to downvote, regardless of subject. Then they post stats of how many downvotes I get. A post in this very community that was removed for it. Look at how obsessive this dude got listing every single thing I’ve said and done LMAO. That’s some hate dedication:
Weird, I know. But it is what it is. They had a big “Fuck That Horrible Coward, Universal Monk” party when I got a two-week ban in a community (for posting duplicate article from different sources):
Not worth visiting the link unless you are really bored and want to see a very passionate crowd celebrating my demise. Just the usual boring “oh the guy’s a troll since he’s not voting with us. He’s probably paid by Putin!! Send him to the hounds!!!” nonsense. :)
I advocated voting third party in the US election. Community NOT amused. To put it lightly! lol
So yeah, that’s why when you see post from me, they’ll be downvoted really fast. Those guys really really hold a grudge. lmao
And your example also emphasizes why it’s not a good idea to just blindly vote for someone just because of the letter by their name too.
But I agree with you, I would like something like this for the US.
Yep, that’s it. Here is the dailymail article, I know you hate them, but they have the pics of it in the forest.
I think there should be legit ones, just like that. Because that seemed the best way to go if you gotta go.
It’s crazy to me that we don’t have sensible right-to-die laws here. I was reading about one somewhere (Sweden maybe? I can’t recall now), where there’s a cool pod. It was placed in a beautiful forest. Woman was in chronic pain all her life, so she goes in, pushes 3 buttons, a gas painlessly makes her go to sleep and die. The company picks up and cleans up.
It was awesome! Legit we need that here in the US.
I was just having fun. No worries.
publication-length short story
Oh, if only you knew… hehe
Let me guess: He was thwarted in his quest like a Scooby-Doo villain, and the cool Universal Monk showed him up, and everyone clapped.
Oh man, you didn’t even read it? I mean there’s recipe sharing, some singing, some laughs. I don’t wanna spoil it for you, but it does seem like a fun time had by all. Well, almost all. But you gotta admit, I do get accused of “main character syndrome” every day, so it really had to lead to a story sooner are later, right?
You reacted to the community’s disapproval and requests for you to stop
The mods allow me to keep posting there, so I’ll keep posting there. In fact, posting some stuff there this morning!
doubling down and adopting a gleeful serial-killer energy
You mean, being friendly. Meh, easy to get confused about the two, I guess. But I do like your wording. Hey, are you a pulp-writer too?! Friend, you gotta submit something to the Tales from the Cryptic Lemmy community! Come on, do it! I can see that I’ve inspired some passion in you!
I’m completely serious that I’m concerned about you.
See that? I knew we were on the verge of being friends. I can feel it now—a friendship bubbling up from the depths like a long-buried secret, just waiting to explode! You’ve been holding it back, afraid to let it out, but guess what? It’s happening! You can’t stop it now. Hooray!
Excluding sleep and working, you’ve been averaging posting something on Lemmy every 9 minutes, every single hour of every single day for 2 months.
Prolific, right? Ya know, I’ve always felt a connection to those million-word-a-year men; the old pulp writers. They cranked out stories and words nonstop, and now here I am, doing the same! Just as underappreciated in my time as they were in theirs, but hey, quantity over quality, right?! I sorta feel like I’m living my dream right now. And to see you so worked up and passionate about what I’m doing! Thank you for this shout-out!
You could have been accomplishing any number of projects with that, something you could be really proud of
But I am proud of my work on Lemmy. Thank you for your kind words. I’ve written two more stories that I’m posting today and I’m posting some more articles today, so be sure to update your stats about me. Thanks, friend! :)
Friend, I think you’re misunderstanding the tone of the stories and the community. By “skimming,” you’re missing the point and the flavor. You’re free to do that, but your critique doesn’t really count since you didn’t read the entire thing.
It’s a writing community meant to be filled playful throwbacks to the campy, exaggerated horror writing from the 50s and 60s. Nothing in it is meant to be taken seriously.
Look at the description for the first story: “Get ready, boils and ghouls, for a twisted tale of identity, deception, and a change of taste you won’t believe… until it’s too late!”
It’s all about embracing that over-the-top style! Do you not see that?! Your reaction is actually really funny to me!
Your overly serious attitude is what I’m parodying in some of the stories. But meh, not everyone likes pulpy over-the-top bad horror writing. There’s a reason it’s called crap. So no worries.
But thanks for your “concern” about me. I can really feel the sincerity in your polite comments about me! lol
Well, well, kind sir, you’ve just earned yourself a small, yet prominent role in my latest twisted tale! Thanks for the support, friend—you’re part of the nightmare now!
You wrote a program to track my downvotes lolololol
You literally thought of me that much!
So did u ever find anyone but yourself to use it?
Harassing!? You go around posting my stats and download count on every post I make!! Lololol yeah, let’s talk about harrasement. U had a comment here removed for doing it!
And I’m not even that community anymore! Lmao you literally chase me around to unrelated communities and unrelated articles just to post my stats.
So yeah, let’s talk about harrasement, friend