If it’s anything like my server, it’s in the same room, but only connected to the power and network. You can open and close the drive, but it doesn’t have a keyboard, mouse, or monitor 👍
If it’s anything like my server, it’s in the same room, but only connected to the power and network. You can open and close the drive, but it doesn’t have a keyboard, mouse, or monitor 👍
Hasn’t qBittorrent got an indexer column? I’m not home to check, but I’m sure I’ve got that set up
If your movies are just in one big folder, there’s a Windows batch file out there called file2folder.bat
I used to have a copy, and it just takes the name of every file, creates a folder with the same name, and puts the file into it. Instead of something like c:\movies\batman.mp4 for example, you end up with c:\movies\batman\batman.mp4 which is something that Radarr can work with.
You’ll probably still need to do some tidying up and matching, but from what I remember, it’s a lot easier :)
The team are helpful too, and helped me with a question when I set it up 🙂