Doesn’t “Stan” just mean land of (these people)?
Doesn’t “Stan” just mean land of (these people)?
So you were part of the support structure. Gotcha. The institution of the police is corrupt, it doesn’t have to be, it could be changed, however as it stands policing is authoritarian.
If i said that in my deleted comment I apologize, I didn’t typed before thinking about what I was saying. ACAB means the police are inherently corrupt, it’s built into the system, they oppress those not of the ruling class, they defend them. They beat protestors. If you were employed by the police, as they exist, then yes you were part of the system, maybe you were trying to affect change, good for you. You are missing the Forrest for the trees here. All men are assholes is a true statement, even when “not all men”. I am not American, I understand how police work.
deleted by creator
Were you employed by the police?
deleted by creator
Did you actively speak out about police brutally and oppression? Did you effect change of the systematic injustices the police department commits?
Sorry, to me their argument was the police are nazis, not all Germans. ACAB referrs to the institution, as yes there are there can’t be good people being police, as they are corrupted, or forced out.
Elbows up
I’m rural, had starlink but thankfully there are cell towers around so I’ve got a gsm internet now. Fuck that nazi musk
Yes, and we even have a lot of interprovincial trade issues. Although with what is happening with the US, we are trying to simply cross provincial trading.
A bit of artistic licensing
-Trump, definitely*
I canceled my starlink after his nazi salutes, I hope a bunch more follow suit, then it could be a lot more lost reoccurring revenue for old Moscow musk
Yeah, i was gonna say pp is canada trump, but on further reflection pp is more akin to mike Johnson. I guess marlaina Smith is a combo of mtg and bobo. Side note i forgot bobos name and looked it up.
Slava Ukraini
Tldr: trump is putins bitch, the US negotiates and bends over to terrorists.
I can help. Trump, the fascist wannabe dictator is putins bitch.
Buy the phone second hand? At least your money isn’t going directly to google
Hmm yeah it could certainly be interpreted that way. I get your point. I’ve said Canukistan before, but not to denigrate others, however it could certainly be interpreted in a negative manner.