4 years ago was when January 6th happened…
I’m a filthy fucking socialist.
4 years ago was when January 6th happened…
4 years ago was when January 6th happened…
4 years ago…
ETA: guess I have to remind people that 4 years ago was when January 6th happened…
For a guy who said he’s not gonna start any wars, he sure is acting like a guy who’s gonna start a war.
As an unemployed and homeless Californian with a small savings, I’ll throw in $25.
That’s pretty neat!
And that Nazi piece of shit.
Yeah, that one.
Correct. Fascist 47 is a terrible human.
He should no longer be permitted to breathe.
Not with their God King in the building.
As a metaphysical reference, fuck this guy.
Dictator day 1
He’s been declaring war without using that actual word. But history has showed time and again this is literally war.
I fucking hate that man.
Our duopoly is due to First Past the Post voting. Ranked or Alternative voting would be better, but will take a while to implement due to First Past the Post voting.
What’re you gonna do about it then?
Gender neutral bathrooms are great anyway. We don’t actually need gendered shit receptacles.
Which is stupid, since unisex bathrooms already exist. It shouldn’t be hard to install those in every single new building everywhere.
As well as a massive car-centric society. I can’t even walk to Jack in the Box at 10pm to get a shit burger, but I can drive thru with a car. That’s part of the problem.
If you make something easier to do, it’s more likely to be done. This is why gun control is needed, make it harder to get a gun, less gun death; snacks at the checkout means more buying of snacks; driveways and parking lots and drive thrus mean more car use.
Cool, adding shit that could fall out of the sky.
Flying “cars” were never a good idea. We have helicopters instead.
Just need 3.5% of the population
It only takes 3.5% of the population to peacefully protest and create change.
So, in actually, your sentiment is factually incorrect.
Yes, that’s exactly what I was talking about.