Damn… your comment being at zero upvotes is making me realize just how much everyone hates us. I know zero isn’t really anything on the surface. But I would’ve thought your comment would resonate a little.
But naw, everyone is, rightfully, just fearing for their countries right now and wants to, understandably, punish.
I fucking hate my country rn, I protested today even. But I know we’re in a bad spot and I kinda looked to countries like Canada as our last hope in defeating the pieces of shit running our country.
Guess I was delusional that they would still prioritize us “good” ones and keep us safe. But like… why? Why would they?
Oh well, no one who’s lived in a collapsing empire throughout history wanted to. And a lot of people died, and they probably didn’t want to lol.
I hope I don’t die, but I hope for good to prevail more. And if I die in the process of the defeat of this fucked country, and the world order that follows is something better. So be it… shits rough.
Right. It’s big caveat to the law, and allows the government to violate people’s rights all the time.
Not saying I agree with it, but I had to put it in there to be honest about what I was saying. Thanks for providing context!