Just so we’re all on the same page, they aren’t meeting to negotiate peace. They’re meeting to divide assets. It’s probate, basically.
Just so we’re all on the same page, they aren’t meeting to negotiate peace. They’re meeting to divide assets. It’s probate, basically.
It’s a bit off topic, but I’ve always wondered how it was cheaper to manufacture cars in Canada. I can’t imagine Canadian wages are lower than the Deep South, which has a ton of US auto manufacturing.
Danish is a garbage language for garbage people.
I have nothing more to add to this.
I fully disagree with that statement.
In most of the world, nearly everyone has a smartphone. Within that, there are 2 main options - Apple, or one derived from Google’s Android. Within the latter, you run the stock OS, which effectively requires a Google account, or you can run a custom OS. The custom OS also requires a Google account for anything resembling the usual functionality of a smartphone.
I’m aware that De-Google movements are out there, but that’s why it’s such a big deal. It’s hard to run an Android-based device without a Google account and still have it do what you need/want. And while Lemmy’s user base probably has a higher percentage than average, it’s still going to be a low percentage.
Hammurabi’s Code was largely about building standards. This tells us that buildings at the time were terrible. It seems that not much has changed in that regard.
This has been predicted for many years. Most were expecting it to happen before the IPO, since investors are afraid of porn.
They had also been gradually heading down this path for a long time, making porn harder and harder (heh) to find and view.
The odds of you getting your own IPv4 address are pretty low, unless seedboxes have very different rules than I’d expect. Presumably you have a shared IP behind NAT, and they forward ports (not unlike a good VPN)
In that case, they would need the IP address, incoming port, and a very specific timestamp.
I was quite surprised to see coffee on the list. There’s only 1 state far enough south to grow coffee (Hawaii).
That means they import the beans grown elsewhere for processing.
It turns out that Folgers does its roasting and packaging in New Orleans. It’s unclear where the beans are from, but I’m sure it’s “everywhere”.
To my friends in Canada, take this opportunity to upgrade from Folgers.
One of the biggest problems with this country is that most of them aren’t unconstitutional. Sure there are exceptions (which others will name), but we’ve been building up the president to be a king for a very long time. We’ve counted on elections and Congress to prevent that, which is amazing that it didn’t implode sooner.
Initially, I thought that I needed to stock up on Colombian coffee before the prices skyrocketed. Now I feel like I need to stock up on non-Colombian coffee before something similar happens elsewhere.
I never said confusion, nor did I say it had anything to do with the name. WordPad development takes time and money with minimal return. It also provides a very minimal subset of the capabilities of Word. People expecting Word capabilities are frustrated by the limitations of WordPad, and are actually happier being told it’s simply not available without additional purchase.
The problem is who will replace them. Does Putin even have an official successor (like the US VP), or would this create a power vacuum?
This isn’t exactly a secret. Remember in the debate when he said he’d end the war, and refused to say which side he’d be on?
Requirement from whom? Who would enforce it?
I know the obvious answer is the ICC, but they currently have warrants for both Putin and Netanyahu, so clearly that’s not an effective threat.
That’s not too far from Windows S edition. That more closely mimics the smartphone model, but still allows the Windows app store.
Wordpad is much more easily explained: They don’t want to maintain it anymore, since that costs money. It was also cannibalizing sales of Word, and often left users frustrated. Frankly, it’s weird that they maintained it as long as they did.
Now, solitaire becoming a subscription, that’s a blatant cash grab.
I’ll go a step further. Do you have any idea how wet Trump would get about invading Europe?
Strategically, this was probably the right move. At that point, the results were in. We can’t change what happened, only where we go from here. Kissing his ass is a case of Tragedy of the Commons.
The instant acceleration thing is a feature of all EVs. Even the cheapest are surprisingly fast off the line.
If you want something with more sustained acceleration, there are plenty of high performance EVs that will end your Tesla envy.
That would probably result in teams that have the shortest players possible (to lower the rim), and 1 or 2 tall players to exploit that.