A victim complex is the cornerstone of the conservative identity.
A victim complex is the cornerstone of the conservative identity.
I’m pretty sure CTH was sacrificed upon the altar of “fairness” after the media forced reddit’s hand on T_D.
Shit, they have an incest sub where people (I really hope) make up stories about wanting to fuck their family members and stuff.
Spoiler warning: the right loves the rich
Remember when CTH got banned when users spoke up in support of slaves who rose up and killed their masters? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
I remember years ago there was an article about a cop who said he wanted to shoot AOC for being a dumbdumb meanie head or something. Top comment said the cop should be fired. I added “out of a cannon” and got permabanned for “inciting violence” like bruh
Don’t forget KiA and all the Trump subs.
They have some warped idea of what the past was like and want to drag us back to a time that never was. A time when you couldn’t even show married couples in the same bed on TV.