I don’t really get the idea of decentralized internet.
The internet is already decentralized. There are millions of websites hosted on thousands of separately-owned machines.
“Decentralized” services like the fediverse use thus exact same structure and bind them together by a search/aggregation API.
The “centralized” part of the internet is DNS/IP Assignments, Service providers, and search.
You are perfectly allowed to go your whole life without using search, or by self-hosting searX.
If we go back to the age of webrings, that is essentially decentralized internet. It seems like every decentralized internet idea is just a rehash of this with some Tor ideas sprinkled in.
You are never going to be able to pull a “Silicon Valley” and make every device into a mini server. The ping and uptime would be horrific.
Not if you play rocket league lol. Bazzite has an inexplicable bug where rocket league specifically only uses 40% of your GPU and 25% CPU regardless of any graphics settings or launch options. With occasional drops to 7-10fps.