Public Money, Public Code. All governments should only be using FOSS software.
Public Money, Public Code. All governments should only be using FOSS software.
Surprised this isn’t mentioned more because it’s one of the only true alternatives for all the google feature-set.
Trainspotting. I do feel like it kept me away from drugs though.
I think it il depend on the military industrial complex in the USA and whether they decide to off Trump or not. If Trump goes isolationist then they’ll probably merc him. If he invades Panama and starts a hot war with Iran then there probably won’t be a world war (ironically). If China invades Taiwan and the US blinks then there won’t be a world war. If the US attacks China for taking over Taiwan then we’ll be in a world war.
That would be hell for the dying person to die every day and hell for the caretaker of that person to either kill them every morning or leave them to suffer.
All these US-centric answers. Learn Mandarin. The world will continue on after the US empire ends.