Adderall is, uh, not a sedative.
Adderall is, uh, not a sedative.
What about using OneKey so that she mostly needs to worry about remembering a PIN? It looks like you can set it up to automatically open your password manager. Might also need to synch her browsers.
As an added bonus, she would have to hold on to the key without losing it, because if she lost it, she’s effectively locked out of accounts forever.
I’m officially in the 99th+ percentile, but IIRC your score gets less accurate the farther you deviate from the mean. And a high reasoning ability is absolutely no predictor of success in life.
Plus, I feel like a douchebag when I say shit like, “oh, my IQ is 140…” as if that’s some kind of achievement or worth something all on it’s own.
Call my parents and my very few friends and let them know, and make sure that they understood how much they’d meant to me. Then I’d spend the rest of my time with my partner, making sure that I’d tied up loose ends, gave them full access to all my accounts so that they didn’t get nasty surprises after my death, and then just talk to them.
Honestly, according to IQ tests, I’m already in the 95th+ percentile for intelligence. I’m also on the autism spectrum, and just got diagnosed with severe ADHD late last year. I’ve accomplished fuck-all by being smart, and it’s mostly made me depressed. I’d pick being slightly dumb, but hot.
Then you have ADHD. (Probably.) Stimulants tend to make ppl with ADHD feel like they’re slowing down, because it allows them to pay attention to just one thing instead of everything all at once (depending in the exact flavor of ADHD, anyways).