Huh, seems like a weird change to make.
Huh, seems like a weird change to make.
For people scared of flying - it is actually shocking how redundant and safe air travel actually is.
The number of things that can fail, thinga they have thought about and have a perfectly flyable and landable aircraft is one of the great achievements in human history. They don’t even let pilots eat the same in-flight meal because of the possibility of food poisoning.
One of the few I can think of is asymmetrical gear - one side deployed but not the other. Will cause a plane to dig into runway and spin/disintegrate. Maybe gear up was the plan, but too fast and too heavy with wrong configuration.
Same touchdown zone regardless, but they could have floated while they waited for the non existent gear to touch down.
Also explains the lack of spoilers and why the wings are still generating lift - they are usually set to engage when there is pressure on the gear.
Something you might be able to comment on that I haven’t seen discussed- are the reversers engaged? It looks like the cowling has come back, and if they tried but it didn’t engage (on account of being dragged along a runway at 140kt) the could still be proving thrust.
All good - I can’t remember if gear is pulled in a go around, but I presume it would only be after they have established a climb… you don’t raise gear if your still going down.
Something that wasn’t discussed- I think the reverses are engaged. The cowling looks like its been pulled back. You can’t go around once reversers are engaged.
Not pilot.
Go around is full power and still some flaps.
If they were on final, and followed procedures correctly, they were set to land something like 5k out. If they had another birdstrike it would be in landing configuration, not clean.
Once they unlock (mechanical) gravity can pull them down to lock. You just can’t get them up again and they create a lot of drag.
To the surprise of no one
PPE is the final step of risk management, after attempting to eliminate and isolate a hazard. In order to develop and effective risk mitigation plan we would need to study many beavers and assess what are SFW, and what are not, following on by studying the effect these so called NSFW beavers would have on a person, in both the short and long term.
Hmm… my inbox just filled with volunteers for some reason…
This is a very important thing to get clear right off the bat.
Sounds like something south Canada would say.