Lmaooo. Yes! Thank you so much 😂. It’s a reference to the MC’s catchphrase from Stein’s;Gate, an anime. He says El Psy Kongroo. I forget the logic behind it, but i thought that was a solid username 😂.
You read the name. You know what I am.
Lmaooo. Yes! Thank you so much 😂. It’s a reference to the MC’s catchphrase from Stein’s;Gate, an anime. He says El Psy Kongroo. I forget the logic behind it, but i thought that was a solid username 😂.
While Gboard has better autocorrect, FUTO’s gestures and automatic punctuations became muscle memory in a way that made it difficult to get back to.
I’ve been dailying the keyboard for a solid 4mths at this point.
As someone who types in more than one language, sometimes even using the English script to type, it’s mildly annoying in the autocorrect. But it’s actually really great for English typing atm. Other languages, I’m still looking forward to trying.
I did switch to an S23 last week and the Samsung Keyboard is so good that I haven’t been able to switch back to FUTO as of yet.
I see. I was brought up on QWERTY so I have never actually tried to change the keyboard type.