Nice story. Thank you for posting it
Nice story. Thank you for posting it
Years ago I picked up the book ‘Gone Girl.’ I got about twenty pages into it and put it down because I couldn’t stand the smug, entitled yuppie narrator.
Later, I watched and enjoyed the movie, and read some of the author’s other books.
It made me realize what a good writer she is; she made me hate a character so much that I couldn’t read the book.
Older than you are and worth looking at. [available on Youtube]
The Prisoner. Imagine if Ian Fleming and Franz Kafka got together to do a TV show. A government official resigns and is immediately kidnapped. He wakes up in The Village; a lovely little place with nice views, great food, plenty of fun things to do, and no possible escape.
I, Claudius. A very young Patrick Stewart is the least reason to watch this reenactment of the first five Roman emperors.
Connections. Non-fiction. Wonderfully entertaining and informative. The creator’s premise is that scientific progress is almost never straight forward. Coffee houses open in London = coffee houses become popular places to do business = coffee house customers join together to invest in ships to the New World = the new ‘companies’ begin looking for ways to make their ships safer = they start to invest in making pine tar to protect the ships = add two hundred years and you have insurance companies and the chemical industry
It was amazing, then got weak after Dalton left. mho
[off topic]
Back during the 1976 Democratic Convention at Madison Square Garde, the NYPD said it would arrest any unescorted woman near the place. Feminists like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan organized middle class white ladies to show up and demand they be arrested for being ‘unescorted.’
I kind of think that lloyd’s of London starting as a coffee shop sort of proves that argument.