Proxmox is a great starting point for self hosting. You don’t need advanced features to start, and you can easily create VMs and containers.
Proxmox is a great starting point for self hosting. You don’t need advanced features to start, and you can easily create VMs and containers.
It has been a constant barrage of misinformation spread across the world for decades.
We’ve seen many reports of misinformation farms from Russia, China and North Korea and this is the result of it.
Picking local versus imported has no effect whatsoever on the price of the transformed product.
Business will find the source of primary resources that is the cheapest for their needs. Best case scenario, local is what’s used already and prices won’t change.
Otherwise, the transformed product will cost more because either the businesses pay the new inflated price for imported resources or they switch to a local resources which is more expensive. Prices will raise no matter what.
Guess which one we’ll see happening?
Lots of morons believe that and argues assuming that this is right.
Tariffs only makes thing more expensive for everyone.
Let’s say you import steel at X$/ton and it cost Y$ locally where X < Y. You add a tariff T to make the imported steel on par with local steel.
Local steel still is as expensive and any production that uses imported steel now cost more.
Nothing went down in price, only up.
Now, there is a discussion to be had about buying local, but the immediate effect is that things will cost more even if manufacturers switch to local steel because they pay more for the same quantity no matter what.
This is a simplified version of the situation, but it explains the issue.
It wouldn’t be so bad if we didn’t get fucked by proxy of America electing an old senile fascist.
I am Canadian and I will feel Trump’s presidency for a while
He doesn’t give a fuck about anything. It’s so tiring that people assume that he is rational and he cares.
1500$ because you don’t have bulk parts, otherwise it could go down by a significant amount.
However, the 5k doesn’t include all the hours of engineering, which costs a lot more than the hardware.
With that said, you are absolutely right that we get dog shit computers for the price. The amount of hours I’ve spent in my life reducing the cost for a board is insane. And bear in mind that this wasn’t for high volume production neither where hardware cost reductions have a big impact.
I hope that this guy go on to do his own thing and doesn’t get gobbled by the corporate machine (or become the corporate machine).
There are a lot of open source mechanical keyboards out there and with a bit of elbow grease, anyone that is a little bit tech savvy can figure out how to link all the information together and do something with that.
However, the thing that stands out to me is the integration of all the parts.
Integration between hardware and firmware is a bitch, and add to that the mechanical integration as well. This dude hopefully has a bright future ahed of him, because he certainly has the chops.
I don’t know your situation, but I am an overwhelmed father of two young kids and the only way I can cope is by choosing days where I make the time after the routine, knowing full well it will be a shitty day after that. No chores, unhealthy eating if I so choose and going to bed late.
It’s the best I’ve found so far that keeps me afloat. But we’re always one stuffy nose away from disaster.
I donate to Wikipedia monthly because this is such an important website, but their donation drive is making my blood boil each time.
//Todo: fix this bug in prod
I hate how docker made it so that a lot of projects only have docker as the official way to install the software.
This is my tinfoil opinion, but to me, docker seems to enable the “phone-ification” ( for a lack of better term) of softwares. The upside is that it is more accessible to spin services on a home server. The downside is that we are losing the knowledge of how the different parts of the software work together.
I really like the Turnkey Linux projects. It’s like the best of both worlds. You deploy a container and a script setups the container for you, but after that, you have the full control over the software like when you install the binaries
I am, do you have any good guide for that before I dive into deep google dives?
I split my docker containers so that I can selectively backup what I want easily on proxmox
For example, I am currently running an Abiotic Factor server that I don’t care to backup. So I just dont add the container to the backups and I am done.