Probably would have hurt less haha
Probably would have hurt less haha
I fell out of an aeroplane with no parachute and lived.
Was sweeping the little Cessna out when i stepped back missed the step and went arse over head into the tarmac.
Haha i was reading along worried you still believed this.
It looks solid but
I play golf, some days I wouldn’t even call it a hobby more like penance and a walk in the trees and sticks
As good as that would be, RvB was the profitable part of the business along with RWBY.
I can’t imagine them being among the “left over” assets of the company.
Either way I listen to Good Morning Gustavo (formally ANMA) and So, Alright…
That’s the extent of my Roosterteeth viewings for the past few years.
The RT podcast fell off for me along with everything else they were doing
There’s literally dozens of us
Yeah I heard that, but i don’t think Burnie bought the rights to RVB just Roosterteeth
Yeah me too,
Down with americocentrenism
Hahah when I first read this i thought you meant leaving jt alone fixed it.
I was surprised
Hey my encephalon is tiny
Please don’t use the a word i don’t like it
It’s rare i see something you post and agree with you, but here i am today
Yeah I moved during the rexit well before the major one, but when It come around. I don’t use anything else.
When I have run out of content on lemmy I touch grass haha
You gotta make one edit to this. Where you say
“i think humans are way more annoying than we ever could be”
And that’s why my penis looks so small too right? Right,?