Well, it does tell us Puti’s motivation, if that wasn’t already obvious.
It’s not a bad plan in general, really. Maybe the US should look into and rectify issues that may already exist around political funding.
Sweet system you’ve got!
Maybe gravity batteries don’t scale down that well, sigh.
I better listen to some Zappa. It has been a long time.
Well that looks interesting. TY! Tho’ I really like the Gravity Battery conceptually. :-D
My EV does V2L (vehicle to load), but at a miniscule 1800watts. I can use a water boiler, or an induction hob, but not both at the same time. The problem is getting the power back to the house fast enough to be useful. Thanks for the Enphase link, I’m always a bit scared when they don’t show a price. I"ll look deeper when I have a chance.
Enphase did some of our stuff. I’ve looked at their offerings. I’m a little miffed that I have a huge battery 77kWh on wheels even, and can’t use that more efficiently to power the house. It has V2L, but at 1800W max. Whatcha think about using that V2L to run a pump, send the water up in to a lovely medium sized water tower which I’m sure the HOA would appreciate, and generate back some electrons while I take a shower, water the garden, etc?
Thanks for your thorough reply. We have solar on our home. I’d like to get a battery back up, but am a little annoyed on the price of that, and will not go nazi tesla any time in the near future.
Are you a Sheik?
Can’t have a fire once it’s been perforated, down in the Ocean’s Deep, well below the waves, permanently.
Jerry is working on it. There are 3 posts as of now. Three Cheers for Jerry!!
LoL, that’s my job beta till the bugs crawl out. :-D Thanks, friend!
I msg’d an admind at Fedia.io. Should be able to get this sorted shortly. Thank you all for your input and patience.
Ooh, what’s that… Nifty! I’m gonna try a few things…
When I submit !santafe@fedia.io I get: “Instance is disabled. Please contact your admin.” Only problem is, I created the magazine/community, but I’m not an admin. Suggestions?
I need to find an admin on Fedia.io, it seems. How do?
LoL, bye bye. Not sad, tho’ we’re building a whole new place here in Fedi-land! Whee!