Ultimate freedom
Ultimate freedom
It’s gone. The USA is a superpower only because of its allegiances. In the past week it’s been demonstrated that the US no longer wishes to be a part of that arrangement.
Cellular radio infrastructure in the UK has been cobbled together in such a poorly executed way.
We should have had an Open Reach style organisation (or even just Open Reach) to own and manage the infrastructure as a public monopoly MNO and all commercial operators act as MVNOs on that infrastructure.
Instead we have situations where some operators are better than others depending what technology you connect using (5G great for 3 customers in Manchester, whilst 4G is entirely unusable) and some areas of the country that basically don’t get service at all from a subset of operators.
Unfortunately, we’re allergic to public infrastructure investment in this country for some reason
Camera for fauxtographers
what is this? I googled and found nothing
Ah I got my history slightly wrong, she bathed in donkey milk and just liked asps (a kind of snake)
Maybe coconut water or aloe vera gel, I imagine it’d feel weird but probably not regrettable.
I guess we’ve got to beat Cleopatra as our baseline with her bath of asp milk.
Marmite would probably veer into the regrettable category, and I’m saying that as a marmite enjoyer
Modern propaganda techniques are such that millions of people believe in a reality that doesn’t exist.
Sadly, they’re simply brainwashed rubes
Worryingly, there’s a growing number of them thanks to all the “manosphere” and “trad” movements that exist to brainwash kids
Nice bit of spicy Linus to start the day.
Good though, these dinosaur maintainers really need to wind their necks in. From what I’ve seen so far, Rust is the best tool for the job in the situations where it’s been used. I struggle to see anything more from the detractors than a toddler tantrum about having to learn a new language—particularly given the current situation where they’ve been treated with kid gloves and are allowed to ignore it entirely.
Honestly if you’re not putting the internet and the general proliferation of personal computers and then smartphones in the “truly innovative” category, then I’m not sure anything will make the cut—I’d make the argument that both are more innovative than flight which is something we can observe in nature.
Welp here’s hoping something pops up to replace gravity sync soon, can’t really upgrade until it does.
I just found https://github.com/mattwebbio/orbital-sync but it’s not apparent if it’s compatible with v6 yet
Assuming you mean hosting stuff on a VPS or similar, I think the Lemmy selfhosting communities consider that also self hosting on some level.
If you more meant for commercial hosting, there’s no harm in asking, I’d wager a fair few people subscribed probably work in the industry.
If you meant the behind the scenes stuff of running a hosting provider, you might have a little less luck, but you never know
I was about to take umbrage with that on behalf of millennials, but tbh we are a mess—not entirely through our own doing, of course—but definitely a mess.
Con man? CEO? Hedge fund manager?
But seriously, generally anything having an exponential return in this world is pretty unusual and generally not guaranteed if it’s a desirable outcome.
Particularly in a capitalist economy, the business only has to pay you just enough to not leave for a competitor, they don’t need to pay you the true value of your ability unless you’re basically the only person on the planet with the necessary skills.
On the flip side, in booming industries that require specific skills such as tech, you can generally get a pretty linear progression for a while before it plateaus in a good number of organisations.
Well this will hopefully be a nice little performance boost for the Steam deck down the line
At the end of the day Tesla is a bubble that will pop at some point, Musk’s latest antics are only going to accelerate that.
A pension fund typically avoids risky investments, so this plus the shorting increase is a pretty strong signal that investors think the pop is imminent.
I mean it’s a terrible movie so don’t take this as a positive review, but:
Bruce Willis drove a car through an airborne helicopter in Die Hard 4, there’s always a way with enough pent up vengeance.
Oh, well I guess I hope this mod gets nonviolently hit by a car
I miss when rich guys just bought sports teams
I’d say we never actually had the x86 monoculture, we did in the desktop space for the most part (though Apple were rocking the 6800/68k/Power architectures for a large chunk of that too). But the server and workstation space was all sorts of weird and wonderful through all of that with Alpha, SPARC, mips, PowerPC hanging around until the 00s. The last SPARC processor was released less than a decade ago by Fujitsu.
Fujitsu’s current gen chips are based on ARM.
Apple have moved to ARM
More and more AWS compute workloads are getting deployed to ARM servers
Microsoft are getting closer to making windows on ARM actually useful for most people.
The entire mobile devices market is effectively all ARM.
I know RISC-V is coming along, you can buy Dev boards and it’s being deployed in some niche areas. But it needs to blow up like ARM has yesterday, I fear we’re rapidly approaching a situation that could be worse than the x86 one ever was.
Though I’m fairly confident it’s going to take a long time before Intel actually abandons x86
Edit: typo
Well TBF, the country was generally regarded as pretty reliable until recent events.
Gonna need some crazy subsidies to combat the economies of scale of the entrenched providers though. The capex of getting a cloud data center even up and running is crazy without the fact that the market leaders are working with razor thin margins