Probably a catch-all for their next generation of Roku devices they’re developing.
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Probably a catch-all for their next generation of Roku devices they’re developing.
Exactly. You get it. They only do this to help us little folks out. It’s out of love and compassion, that they allow the corpos to sue the living shit out of everyone for no true good reason. It’s not out of greed. Why can’t we understand that?!
Corpos pay them for this service appreciate the justice served, and providing housing, food, and healthcare costs money, not makes money isn’t part of law enforcement’s job duties.
Block the French government. Done.
I used WordPress (the self hosted one) and Drupal. They were both fine for my needs. I’ve never used Grav, so I’m not sure how it compares. As for making it look better, I think it’s more important to the user that the site is usable and easily navigate-able. I know those were the main things I looked for in niche sites. Of course I preferred that they didn’t look like they were plucked out of 1999, but as long as I could easily find what I was looking for, I didn’t care that much. I guess what I’m trying to say, is that I hope you find exactly what you’re looking for, and that your users appreciate you for your efforts on that front, as well as the content itself : )
Voted “Best Flat File CMS” in 2017, 2019, 2020 & 2021
It might be hard to find something as good as Grav, but good luck.
Edit: start here maybe? Really not sure what you’re looking for. Grav really seems to cover pretty much every scenario.
Knowing no one would read it, since they’re with family just trying to watch a lovely Christmas movie. Bastards.
Edit: autocorrect