As per recent reports, the upcoming Ryzen AI Max+ Pro 395 APU will sport an RDNA 3.5-based iGPU with a whopping 40 CUs, and will likely be branded as the Radeon 8060S. In a leaked Geekbench Vulkan benchmark, the Radeon 8060S managed to outpace the RTX 4060 Laptop dGPU in performance. However, according to yet another leaked benchmark, Passmark, the Radeon 8060S and the 32-CU 8050S scored 16,454 and 16,663 respectively - and no, that is not a typo. The 8060S with 40 CUs is marginally slower than the 8050S with 32 CUs, clearly indicating that the numbers are far from final. That said, performance in this range puts the Strix Halo APUs well below the RTX 4070 laptop GPU, and roughly the same as the RTX 3080 Laptop. Not bad for an iGPU, although it is almost certain that actual performance of the retail units will be higher, judging by the abnormally small delta between the 8050S and the 8060S.
For an iGPU to seemingly beat out a 4060 laptop dGPU is a very a solid achievement, especially if there are notable (double digit) increases in performance for the actual released product. I wonder what the power draw is on these system, it’s got to be less than a strong CPU + 4060 laptop dGPU combo.
As a Linux user that spent enough time struggling with nvidia drivers, this is really exciting for me. I have a desktop with a Ryzen 7 7800x3d and a Sapphire Nitro+ 7800xt, and a steam deck, so I’m pretty set for both mobile and stationary gaming, but if I ever have to travel for work for anything more than a couple weeks (which could totally be a thing in my industry) I’d love to have a red flavored laptop for mouse and keyboard gaming in a hotel room.