I only go on there nowadays for my city’s sub and r/nba. I logged on yesterday while I was on a vpn and found out today that my account as suspended due to “unusual activity”. I didn’t register an email when I created that account. Welp, bye bye to that account then.
I think they’re purging users, unsure what criteria they’re using
About a month ago I was also banned under unusual circumstances
Don’t even bother trying to make another account without appealing the first, the new account will get banned as well.
vpn recieves an autoban in most cases if you are on reddit, i think most social media has a anti-vpn policy on thier sites. additionally they were/or purging "botty/spammy " accounts like vpn, privacy browser users. also you would have also noticed most large subreddits have upped thier entry threshold as well into commenting the sub, its not an accident.
the methods they use to ban people is: browser canvassing, fingerprinting, Device ID and its compenents, IP address, they apparently can also detect IP from vpn and abused proxies too. captcha v3(which is what reddit uses to record your activity on the website), posting, and writing style. i was also banned, many of accs took a hit(the old ones).
All of mine were just unilaterally banned at the same time. “Repeated, multiple violations of the content policy. Refer to messages in your other accounts as to why.” No account had details as to why. I suspect it has/had something to do with my work VPN.
When they IP banned me, I just turned off wifi on my phone and created a new account with a separate browser. But looking back reddit was never worth it. We’re all very addicted to this toxic form of crowd sourced moderated information. I’m not really convinced Lemmy is better on a design level, the upvote system is identical and doesn’t prevent echo chambers. I guess there’s autonomy with instances, so that’s nice…
I prefer the Lemmy way of upvotes but no karma totals. reddit mods and admins spend a lot time keeping it an echo chamber. With Lemmy you may get many downvotes but who cares. As long as you don’t break the basic rules Lemmy doesn’t ban you for “wrong thinking”
reddit is too anal with the karma, upvoting, "too little karma, votes, makes you look like a bot, and you get comment removed, and your account is flagged for spamming(a mark is put on your account so you wouldnt know)
that is an evasion technique for some of the of accounts(they use more sophisicated methods, like a services that manages multiple anti-detect, and mobile proxies, and also using cheap used android devices.
Lol when appealing a suspension made my one day goto 7 day, I knew I was gonna be permanently banned soon, happened right as I got unbanned lol.
i think they set thier filters too high, i heard some accounts that got temp ban were immediately re-banned for ban evasion in many subs, like they dont clear the filters out once you get unbanned so the sub/mods will autoban people for evasion, and often time reddit will not accept a 2nd appeal. Mods are totally complicit and even ok, even if some innocents are banned.
Oh well, Ive realized im not as dependent on it as I thought I was, the advice/converstions weren’t that great these days, its still useful for old posts sometimes, I prefer commenting/posting on lemmy. (not this account) Do miss r/blender, comicbooks, and a few other helpful funones. But everyones so pessimistic in most subreddits, it makes me hate my own hobbies if I stay there too long.
the large subreddits are like that, i avoid it completely if i get banned from it previously. its telling if reddit allows something conservative to be on the front page alot.