I know nothing should surprise me with these fucking people at this point, but my mouth still dropped open when I read that.

  • Bytemeister@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    For the benefit of other countries dealing with their own rightwing dickhead movements, what we did wrong was slow-roll prosecuting them for blatant crimes.

    Biden should have announced prosecutions into far right agitators during his inauguration speech. It shouldn’t have just been the useful rubes from 1/6 that faced consequences. The people and organizations that backed that coup, who fanned the flames and incited violence should have been in cuffs in less than a month, including Trump. From jail, he can’t tweet, he can’t truth social. He can still write to newspapers, and have interviews, and have his lawyer make statements, but all those options have an extra layer of accountability, which would have put a lid on his rampant race-baiting and fear mongering.

    I know some of you are going to be worried about appearing partisan. The truth is, bipartisanship is a weapon of the far right. When they are in power, they ride roughshod over everything and everyone, with absolute glee when they can foist terrible policies on the other side. When they call for bipartisan compromise, they are saying “hey! You need to accommodate the views of our bigots and 1% base! Won’t you think of them!?” and we should have told them to fuck off.

    People need to vote, and they need to vote effectively. If you’ve got ranked choice, great, vote for the candidates that represent your views the best. If you have a first past the post system, then you need to vote for the least worst candidate that can actually win, even if they don’t align with your morals or ethics. I know it sucks to do it, but you have to consider risk versus reward when making your decision. Taking a big risk on our rights and lives to make a small statement about historical support to a historical ally in a conflict practically as old as history itself, is a really fucking stupid thing to do. There was practically nothing to gain and everything to lose.

    • skaarl@feddit.nl
      21 days ago

      Yes, I see your point. Very true about “moving to the right”.

      “People need to vote, and they need to vote effectively. If you’ve got ranked choice, great, vote for the candidates that represent your views the best. If you have a first past the post system, then you need to vote for the least worst candidate that can actually win, even if they don’t align with your morals or ethics.”

      This I think is one thing what Progressives in America have been working on, without the help of the Democrats (also healthcare, labour protection etc.). Then when the election comes, Democrats are surprised they did not get more votes and did not motivate people to the polls. Then they blame Progressives, who they have been ignoring, for not voting for them even though Republicans have a worse guy. So, Democrats don’t serve the poeple and are sad when they don’t get votes, is that right? Also, Democrats only listen to campaign advice from donors, even though donors are not a majority of the base… and then surprised when they get less votes? It just seems absurd to blame anyone but the Party. It is plain and simple bad politicking. Even blaming Trump supporters makes more sense, but they might actually fight back.