Let’s say there is a tulip lovers club, where they talk about tulips, their variations and how to grow them. Let’s say someone new joins the club, this new person starts saying that tulips are rubbish and that roses are better or something like that. This person becomes so insistent with these statements that they end up being kicked out of the club. Before leaving, the person calls the club an “Echo Chamber” about tulips.

Would this person be right?

  • JackLSauce@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Were they kicked out solely for having a differing opinion? Then it’s indisputably an echo chamber

    Do the members seldom here opposing opinions outside of strawmen arguments or the occasional troll? Then it’s a defacto echo chamber

    All organizations with common interests run the risk of becoming one, but the trap is particularly insidious for (and often weaponized by) online communities