AITA for not wanting to drop charges on a 10 year old kid that beat up my 9 year old at school?

Some background my kids go to a school where over 90% of the student population are refugees/immigrants. We live in a neighborhood that is the same circumstances as my kids school.

Cut to yesterday. My 9 year old girl was out at recess. She was playing basketball with friends. This bully walked up behind her, pushed her to the ground and when she was getting up the kid kicked her in the head like it was a soccer ball.   My wife went down to check my girl out of school. She’ll be ok, I hope, but she has scratches on the side of her face, a black eye and it’s swollen.

School principal said he’d handle it. Later on he called my wife and I separately and asked us to drop the charges because the student doesn’t “understand” that what they did was wrong.   I told the principal that if the school isn’t going to discipline the bully I will call the police department and files charges. AITA for not wanting to drop charges on a 10 year old kid?

Edit: NO Im not racist. The principal/school admin uses the fact that they are refugees/immigrants to excuse their behavior actions all to often. Principal is retiring at the end of this year.

Update: she does have a minor concussion per ED pa. Keeping an eye on her currently.

      2 months ago

      Every community with the ability to host creative writing eventually will. Especially given the complete absence of talent required to do so in 2025. That community, I recall, boomed once the lemmy exodus occurred. Some ragebait to soothe the masses of their desire to use properly programmed apps