The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon is when you never noticed something or saw something before, and then you see it everywhere.

For example say you see a chipmunk in an area you never noticed them before, and now you just see chipmunks everywhere.

    2 months ago

    To this day, I haven’t the foggiest what the fuck he and Guattari were trying to say, but think the concept of the rhizome can be useful insofar as I think I understand it.

    sigh Gonna have to try again. Started reading Benjamin’s Arcades Project recently in a similar fit of “shit you referenced in grad school and successfully bullshitted your way through because no one else actually understands it either” guilt, may as well do it for the big D too.

    My experience re: this phenomenon was “I stared at A Thousand Plateaus for a while, then all of a sudden every fucking thing I read afterwards mentioned this guy.”

      2 months ago

      Lol I’m pretty shaky on the details too, but I definitely think there’s some really good ideas in there once you can parse all the philosophical lingo. I hadn’t even heard about the rhizome until you mentioned it, but it does seem like a useful concept for sure.