Absolutely! Life is a precious gift, and I hope to continue living for a long time. It’s not always good, it’s not always easy, it’s not always fun, but it is beautiful, interesting, challenging, and better than the alternative.
I’m echoing a lot of the replies here by saying “No.” Even if I’m given a choice as to what kind of life I’d live, still no.
Even if people say there’s a lot of good things in life, or that there are people living their dreams in this world, still no. I don’t play the lottery, even if I might end up with more money than I could ever hope to spend. The same logic applies here.
There would be no me to regret not existing if I don’t exist.
What if you could choose to be born with absolute power, like an emperor of old, and mold society into the shape you wish it were?
I know myself enough that I’m likely to let that absolute power absolutely corrupt me and hence, make things absolutely worse for everyone around me.
I’m not that good of a person to be able to be sure that I won’t abuse that power, nor am I wise enough to know what to do in order to use that power for the good of everyone. Worse, I’d fall under the delusion that I’m the only person with the will and power to able to do good, and that my ideals are the only ones that count.
So, unfortunately, no. I must decline.
That’s very introspective. I need to participate in that sort of self-evaluation more often. Believe it or not, I think our silly little conversation actually just helped me IRL. Thanks!
I’m glad it somehow helped you IRL. Best of luck to you!
Warning: ITT, lots of nonresponse bias.
Life dissatisfaction guides people to type no;
neutrally satisfied folks will skip;
the relatively contented might type a “yes” or be offline.
With today’s historical context, there’s a bit of a skew, especially for those hanging out online o( ; ´ ﹏ `;)oAs for me, I’m excepted. I have decent dissatisfaction rather often, but arrogantly – I’d be born a million times, every time (unless you ask me at a bad moment).
Even at my worst, why do I not roll over and die? “I want to see how my story ends.”
No is not such a pleasant decision in this question, in order to answer this way you need to really feel or witness really bad things. Therefore, a large number of such answers says something…