How the hell are they north Korean? You can’t even identify it from the photo? I see so much about the so called north Koreans in Ukraine but did not even see one credible photo that was not disproven to be just a guy from Mongolian regions of Russia. This is very absurd. Just a bunch of bodies lined up in snow and they somehow are north korean blah blah blah
A promise from 382 OBMP 810 OGVBRMP to everyone who doubted the joint work of our guys with foreign colleagues! We work in a well-known area of a well-known region
Foreign colleagues does not mean anything. It might as well be people from Mongolia or surrounding to Russia republics.
foreign /fôr′ĭn, fŏr′-/
- Located away from one’s native country. “on business in a foreign city.”
- Of, characteristic of, or from a place or country other than the one being considered. “a foreign custom.”
- Conducted or involved with other nations or governments; not domestic. “foreign trade.”
Don’t be disingenuous , even in native Russian it has distinction of worth:
…explanation of the concept [near abroad] in Russian: " ‘The term originally had an ironic nuance,’ said the historian Ivan Ivanovich. ‘People spoke of nastoyashchyeye za rubezhye, “the present-day abroad.” But now the words have acquired a purely informational meaning, in order to distinguish the new states of the C.I.S. [ Commonwealth of Independent States, a title now in the dustbin of history ] from the “original” abroad.’ “