Christmas feels different to me this year. Is it just me? How does today feel to you?
This is the most christmasy christmas I’ve had since I was a kid. Probably has something to do with my girl being 3 this year and really into it.
Not really. I’ve been beaten over the head about Christmas as far back as September this year. So, by the time I reach the actual day of Christmas, it’s like “…so what?”. It’s like Capitalism’s favorite holiday now, along with Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I can’t get that cheery or festive for a day that has been hijacked to maximize profits, especially if people are nagged about it for months on end until it’s the day.
No. It’s boxing day for me.
The kids are over the moon with their gifts. Ma’s in her bath tub and I’m in my cups. And I’m about to settle in for a long evening of Nethack. So ya, I’m feeling pretty good for Christmas evening.
I hope everyone here who is feeling down finds something in the new year to make them happy.
This year was shit overall in every part of o the world (greetings from Venezuela). You can’t have a Christmas spirit went the world is literally collapsing around you. Authoritarians are winning elections, people is dying, the world is getting hotter (and not in a sexy way), and yet, you have to go to work tomorrow 'cause you have to eat.
Don’t fall into despair though, that shit makes everything worse. Hope is a powerful fuel.
No. Fascism is on the rise, my livelihood is literally in danger. I’m spending these days preparing for the worst, so when people try to talk to me about joy and family, it comes off as somewhere between tone-deaf and gaslighting
It’s both on the rise and now acceptable.
My brown family that started families with other brown people talked about the facism the entire time.
My brown family that started family with white people all believe that facism isn’t a thing.
The future is not good
Careful outing yourself as a brown family, this apparently means you’re illegal and need to be turned into immigration authorities in coastal Oregon.
It was intentional in my part; fuck los pinches gringos
I say this because the brown familiares que casaron son gringos y les merecenen que les votaran.
And I mean this; we are sliding into facism solamenta por los pendejos y ellos son las pendejos en esa situation and I’m sick and tired of being of being the future Americans who don’t understand. Coje les pendejos, nunce les voy a visitar.