Better slow than too fast too. Lemmy feels like a nice fairly small community. I’m not sure that’ll continue once it’s the size of Reddit. We’ll get more content and niche communities will be better served though, so there’s pros and cons.
Better slow than too fast too. Lemmy feels like a nice fairly small community. I’m not sure that’ll continue once it’s the size of Reddit. We’ll get more content and niche communities will be better served though, so there’s pros and cons.
That’s fine. It’s a preference thing whether you like it or not. Warmer things you can taste better though. For example, usually good sake is drank warm and bad sake is drank cold.
Personally, saisons I like to be warmer. It really helps their smell and flavor come through. I don’t mean warm though, just warmer. Around room temperature or so.
If you actually like beer, you should know that warmer beer (or anything else) actually allows you to taste it better. There’s a reason Budweiser is served so damn cold. There’s a lot of beers I prefer to be around room temperature.
Maybe he was referring to this, though he’s Canadian (the son of astronaut Chris Hadfield, though great in his own right).
Lol. At least you have a sense of humor! This must be a joke after all. Russia invades, is not really winning, and their opponent’s “great deal” is they get to still exist?
I’m happy he’s doing better, but I feel no need or desire to celebrate him. Many more deserving people have changed or never done wrong and have no platform, recognition, or wealth. He’ll be fine whether he gets money out of my views or not.
If we’re really lucky, 2. If we take congress then they can at least limit his powers or, with a strong enough change, remove him from office. Now, if this happens I don’t expect him to actually accept it and there will still be a fight, but the only real factor that matters at that point is if the military sides with him or the constitution. Right now, he doesn’t have the military support to successfully perform a self coup.
I would say most people are good. However, the human brain is pretty shit and easy to manipulate. It’s easy to make people view other people as not human or other to them, or to not think about them at all. Maybe that is “not good” in some definitions though. When face-to-face, I will bet every time on someone treating someone well. I’ll lose the bet occasionally, but I’ll be right more than wrong.
I doubt much is. It needs to be repairable in the field, even in conditions that wipe out communication. It can’t phone-home as a requirement, and it can’t be made in a way that you need to send it to an authorized technician to fix. I don’t see any way a robust DRM lock would fly.
It’s not just paper. It’s a symbol. If you can’t understand that then there’s no hope for you in this world. You have a fundamentally flawed view of humanity if you can’t see humans ascribe meaning to object, religious or not. It’s the same reason burning a flag gets people upset.
You can argue it’s irrational, because it obviously is, but humans are not rational creatures.
Now, go only do objective rational things somewhere else. You’re words aren’t worth anything. You’re wasting your effort writing them.
Great way to admit you didn’t read it. You are just looking for a way to ignore what they said. I’d recommend you actually take a look at it.
Yeah, good point. Electric is just always going to be cheaper. Still, it doesn’t totally remove the effect of oil prices, which should be higher but not like this.
Bad news. Cost of petroleum increasing probably increases the cost of electricity too. Energy is energy. If cost of one source of energy increases then other sources also increase price.
It probably won’t be as bad as gas prices, but it’s probably all going up.
For Syncthing? All you do is point it to the folder where it is (or where you want it to be if it’s not on the device yet). Then you tell it that you want to send and receive changes for that folder, and repeat this for all devices you want synched. It’s very simple. Just play with it and you should be able to get it working.
One thing to note is it needs to be running to synch obviously, so if it hasn’t been running don’t expect your database to be updated.
No. It’s from one of my own devices to another (or multiple). It doesn’t need to use Google drive. You may be able to make it do that. I’m not sure. There’s no need for it though.
I had a few times on Windows with niche discontinued products. Not really a huge issue but it didn’t work out of the box.
Here’s your issue with Linux: You’re expecting it to work identically as Windows does. They’re different systems with different issues and solutions. I use Syncthing to sync my Keepass database updated between devices. It’s very simple and easy to use.
Go into Linux unburdened with the expectation that everything should work the same and you’ll have a better time. You have to acclimate to the new environment, but you did the same with Windows. You got used to how bad Windows is to use. Linux is generally easier, in my opinion, once you’re used to it. It isn’t Windows though so you have to learn new things.
Even taking them into account, long term likely would never pay off. It’s valued way over what they’d be worth if they took over the entire vehicle industry, and that’s not going to happen. Sure, for gambling maybe it’s worth it to speculate on, but for a long-term investment it’s horrible.
GamePass on the cloud works, but MS has made a choice to not let it work on Linux. This is not an issue with Linux. It’s an issue with MS and Windows. They choose to distribute the games using a proprietary encryption method, which harms the user’s experience and makes it only work on Windows. You can’t mod your games (unless the explicitly allow it and let you decrypt it) because “fuck you, this is ours.” Fuck them. If they want my money they can make a better product that works where I want to be. You should hold yourself to that level too, not lick their boot and thank them for the privilege.
Yeah, on top of not having to deal with applications checking for updates when they’re launched, and then manually installing them, not having to deal with drivers is amazing. Windows users talk about how easy the experience is with Windows, but they’re just used to how shitty it is and haven’t seen the alternative. I just occasionally update everything in my system when I think about it and it’s good to go. No being forced to update and restart. No hassle. Just simple and quick and everything is up-to-date.
I’ve been here for a while now. The userbase can be seen as an advantage, but it’s also a negative. Things move so fast in reddit and everyone is just passing by each other. You can have actual conversations here though. It feels more communal.
I want more users so niche communities can thrive, but I’m also worried about it becoming too much like Reddit has been for a while now.