The developers of Apex Legends have announced that they’re going to be blocking the game completely on Linux platforms including Steam Deck.
God fucking damn it. Fuck off with the anticheat bullshit. Fucking plague is destroying gaming. If the whiny tryhards want “cOmP3Tit1v3 int3grIteE” or whatever dumb excuse the devs pulled out their ass this time then just make RANKED mode locked behind this malware-powered prison shit. Don’t ruin the game for everyone. The majority of the player base isn’t whining about cheaters, and this is true of pretty much every game. It’s the tryhard comp scene most affected, let them enable it to play comp. At least give us the option to play on non anticheat servers. I hate how every multiplayer game is ruining itself over this garbage.
Wouldn’t be surprised if this was some garbage ploy by Microsoft/shitty developers to make Linux look bad for being unsupported to increase the spyware that microsfot peddles
Friendly reminder to give your fair and honest Steam review of Apex Legends after EA’s most recent changes. 😈
Hope this was a lesson to anybody still playing their garbage.
To eliminate this cheat vector, we have made the decision to prevent access to the game for Linux users. This means that Apex Legends will be unplayable immediately for those running this operating system. Playing on handhelds, such as the Steam Deck, is still possible if the user opts to install Windows.
translates to them cutting off linux support so people will be forced to use approved operating systems like Windows which will require more hardware which means more money for those companies and more intrusive anti cheat software that gives users data away
way more than just about Windows and some games
this is about locking users into approved environments with no wiggle room just like on Tron